Fortinet: integrated and high-performance protection against dynamic security threats

Fortinet adaptive cloud security solutions protect workloads and business applications with multilayer security across cloud and hybrid environments.

Why Fortinet?

The Fortinet adaptive cloud security solution for AWS helps organizations maintain operationally viable, consistent security in a shared responsibility model from on-premises to the cloud. It delivers comprehensive and fully programmable multilayer security and threat prevention capabilities for AWS users.
Expert help for Productivity and Collaboration
Improve your network management toolset by deploying virtual firewalls, erasing the need for manual updates.
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Use cases

Adaptive Cloud Security

Adaptive Cloud Security
The Fortinet Security Fabric natively integrates into AWS to provide full visibility and control of applications, centralized management, and security automation.

Cloud Security Services Hub

Cloud Security Services Hub
Establishing a cloud security services hub offers a superior approach for confident cloud adoption and ensures consistent compliance.

Secure Hybrid Cloud

Secure Hybrid Cloud
Fortinet natively integrates with AWS, establishing consistent security policies, continuous visibility, high-speed, and secure connectivity.

Overcoming security challenges for workloads on AWS

As more and more organizations migrate workloads, data, and applications to AWS, their cloud environments quickly evolve. As complexity escalates, user configuration errors go up, visibility gets obscured, and overall risk increases which necessitates broader, more comprehensive protection.
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Leverage AI-driven advanced security

Fortinet breaks down the barriers that inhibit security visibility, detection and management across private, public, and hybrid cloud platforms. The Fortinet adaptive cloud security solution for AWS helps organizations maintain operationally viable, consistent security in a shared responsibility model from on-premises to the cloud. It delivers comprehensive and fully programmable multilayer security, AI-based threat intelligence and integrated threat prevention capabilities for AWS users.

The nature of the expanding attack surface and advanced threats necessitates broader, more comprehensive protection. Download whitepaper»

Customer success story

Autodesk achieves cloud transformation with Fortinet and AWS

"Working with Fortinet, we’ve achieved scalable and consistent security policies across different locations. We also simplified operations using a single management system between on-premises and our AWS public cloud infrastructures."

 —Steve Litras, Director of Infrastructure Services, Autodesk

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AWS Competencies
Fortinet is an APN Advanced Technology Partner that has demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success with AWS Competencies in Security, Networking specialized solution areas.