Suggested ref tags for demand generation to product detail pages
Placement | Reftag prefix |
Blog | _ptnr_blg_ |
Documentation | _ptnr_doc_ |
_ptnr_pe_ | |
FAQ | _ptnr_FAQ_ |
Newsletter | _ptnr_pe_nwsltr_ |
Online Community, Forums | _ptnr_frm_ |
PR | _ptnr_pr_ |
SEM or online ads | _ptnr_ads_ |
Social Media - Facebook | _ptnr_tsm_fb_ |
Social Media - LinkedIn | _ptnr_tsm_li_ |
Social Media - Twitter | _ptnr_tsm_ |
Website | _ptnr_web_ |
Website - Promo Page | _ptnr_web_'promo name'_ |
Video | _ptnr_video_ |
Example URLs with ref tag:
Suggested best practices:
- Add a ref tag linking to your product pages in all your demand generation activities
- Use ‘_ptnr_’ in all your ref tags going to your AWS Marketplace product listing pages, ‘_ptnr_’ can be placed anywhere in the ref tag
- Use a consistent naming method for different types of demand generation activities
- Create a unique ref tag for each activity for easy tracking
- Don’t use ref tags for multiple product listings or multiple product detail pages for easier tracking