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Introducing AI OpsAdvantage by zeb: Our AI Managed Services Program is designed to simplify the operational management of your AI implementations. By focusing on keeping the lights on for your AI operations, we allow your team to dedicate more time to innovation and less to the intricacies of operational management.

Key Focus Areas:

Monitoring and Management: We keep a vigilant eye on your AI deployments to ensure optimal performance and cost-efficiency of AI applications. Inclusive of system and model performance monitoring, cost management, logging, and auditing.

Security and Compliance: Safeguarding your AI deployments with state-of-the-art security measures and ensuring they meet all regulatory compliance standards. We help your business protect data, operations, and AI models, including LLMs, while ensuring regulatory compliance. This includes data encryption, access control, compliance reviews, and LLM security reviews based on the OWASP top 10 for LLMs.

Updates and Maintenance: Keep AI solutions up-to-date with the latest features and security patches. Includes AWS service updates, ongoing model tuning (instruction-based and domain adaptation), and dependency management.

Scalability and Reliability: Scale AI infrastruture services according to demand and ensure high availability and disaster recovery. Includes scaling strategy design, disaster recovery planning and testing, and high availability configurations.

Data Management: Managing the data lifecycle essential to your AI deployments, from collection to ensuring data quality and compliance. zeb can manage the lifecycle and quality of source data for AI systems, including data collection, cleaning, storage, privacy, and compliance.

User Experience and Feedback: Gathering and integrating user feedback to continuously improve the AI deployment experience. Includes user feedback analysis, A/B testing, and user experience enhancements.

Responsible AI: Ensure AI deployments are ethical, transparent, fair, and privacy-preserving. Includes ethical AI use guidance, transparency and explainability, privacy preservation, fairness audits, accountability, and bias mitigation techniques.

Why Choose AI OpsAdvantage?

Expert Management: Our team of experts becomes an extension of your business, taking on the operational management of your AI implementations with the highest standards of excellence.

Cost-Effectiveness: Leverage our expertise at a fraction of the cost of equivalent in-house operations, with a transparent and predictable pricing model.

Customized Service: Every engagement is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that our managed services align perfectly with your business objectives and AI implementation goals.

Who Can Benefit?

Any business, regardless of size or industry, looking to enhance their AI implementations without the burden of managing complex operational tasks can benefit from AI OpsAdvantage.

Sold by zeb
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


To speak with zeb regarding the details of this offering, please contact us via email at or visit our web site ( for more information.