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  • Decrease drive through close rate, customer frustration, and equipment costs with GenAI. Introducing the GenAI Drive-Through Experience, a groundbreaking solution for quick-service restaurants, exclusively available on the AWS Marketplace. Revolutionize the traditional drive-through process with this AI-driven, customer-centric experience that seamlessly integrates with your establishment's mobile application in this proof of concept offering.


  1. Proactive Engagement: As a customer approaches, trigger a timely push notification, setting the stage for a hassle-free ordering journey.
  2. Fluid Voice-to-App Interface: When the customer taps the notification, the app seamlessly switches to order mode. Guided by GenAI, it actively listens, recognizes customer speech patterns, and caters to diverse accents, ensuring accurate order compilation in real-time.
  3. Personalized Upselling: Harness historical purchase data to suggest tailored menu items, maximizing order value and enhancing the customer's dining experience.
  4. Mobile Wallet Integration: Facilitate instant, secure payments directly via the app or, if the customer prefers, at the window.
  5. Data-Driven Advertising: Utilize consumption habits to present targeted advertising, spotlighting new items, promotions, or customer favorites.


  • Queue Reduction: Dramatically reduce drive-through lines, optimizing traffic flow and minimizing wait times.
  • Enhanced Order Accuracy: With real-time order compilation and vocal adaptation, ensure every order is captured correctly.
  • Sales Boost: Leverage personalized recommendations and promotions to drive sales.
  • Inclusive Experience: By adapting to diverse speaking patterns and accents, cater to a broader audience and ensure everyone feels welcomed.
  • Reduction in drive through hardware: This approach eliminates the need for radio or verbal based drive through hardware purchase and maintenance.

With these advantages, the impact to revenue could easily top $1.5 million a year for chains with 100+ stores, based on efficiency gains, staffing reductions and hardware cost reductions.

Protected by AWS's robust security measures, customer data remains safe and secure at all times. Additionally, the insights garnered from the GenAI Drive-Through Experience empower establishments with invaluable data, guiding menu optimizations, operational changes, and marketing strategies. Step into the future of fast food with the GenAI Drive-Through Experience, where technology and gastronomy converge to deliver unparalleled service and efficiency. Note: Successful implementation may require integration with existing POS systems and mobile apps.

Key Technologies + AWS Services

  • Amazon Marketing
  • Amazon Bedrock GenAI
  • Amazon SageMaker


  • A GenAI Chatbot that can answer product questions based on consuming 1 to 2 internal data sources and minimal tuning.
  • A basic secure website to demonstrate the GenAI Chatbot.
  • A simple set of APIs which can be integrated into apps, POS systems, and websites.
  • The ability to set a GenAI Persona, allowing the chatbot the ability to use the company’s tone in interactions.
Sold by Trek10
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


To proceed now to sign up for the Assessment, fill out the secure order form by clicking continue.  

Here's What to Expect:  

  1. Submit the AWS Marketplace Order Form by clicking "Continue" above.
  2. A Trek10 Cloud Engineer will reach out to you within 2 business days to schedule an onboarding call with your AWS Administrator to configure account access.
  3. Following onboarding, Trek10 engineers will begin our discovery process (Phase 1) that will include interviews with your technical team, reviewing documentation you have provided, and reviewing findings from our scan of your environment. Anticipated timeline for these activities is 8-10 weeks.
  4. After discovery, Trek10 engineers will assemble our findings into a report and presentation and walk you through the results in a live virtual session (Phase 2).  

By clicking Continue and submitting the form above with your AWS Account ID and contact information, this service and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto, shall be subject in all respects to and shall be governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Trek10’s Standard Terms and Conditions, which can be accessed at and which are hereby incorporated by reference and shall have the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.  

For any questions or issues with the AWS Marketplace Order Form or any other questions please contact and a Trek10 Team Member will get back to you shortly.