During times of school emergencies, from medical issues to serious threats, seconds truly make a difference. Getting the right information to the right person at the school and to public safety as quickly as possible is critical to minimize the negative effects of emergencies, including the potential for saving the lives of our most vulnerable.
GeoComm School Safety is a GIS solution providing detailed indoor maps of schools and surrounding grounds, and key information needed by school safety authorities, public safety agencies, and first responders for streamlining and reducing emergency response times inside schools.
In addition, GeoComm School Safety integrates seamlessly with existing public safety mapping applications in 9-1-1 call centers and emergency responder applications to help decrease response times and improve communication. GeoComm School Safety will help save lives of staff and students while minimizing negative outcomes.
GeoComm’s School Safety Solution utilizes several AWS services for map build and delivery, including API Gateway, Lambda, Sagemaker, and S3.
- Detailed indoor and outdoor maps of school campuses
- Wide availability throughout GeoComm School Safety applications or API’s that can deliver the data to an application of your choice
- Empowers school safety personnel and local first responders with up-to-the-minute, highly precise and accurate location information and school maps, including indoor maps
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