Mortgage Transaction Data on US Properties (Eval)
Provided By: CoreLogic

Mortgage Transaction Data on US Properties (Eval)
Provided By: CoreLogic
Borrower, lender, and mortgage details with up to 50 years of history.
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Mortgage Transaction Data on US Properties (Eval)
Nationwide property mortgage data for up to 50 years of mortgage history is available with CoreLogic’s Mortgage Basic.
Transactions include primary and junior mortgages, regardless of those mortgages as having a sales transaction attached; equity lines of credit and other mortgage types. Mortgage details include borrower names, lender information with NMLS IDs, type of loan secured (conventional, FHA, VA), mortgage rate type, mortgage purpose (cash out first, consolidation, standalone subordinate), mortgage ARM features and mortgage indicators such as fixed rate, conforming loan, construction loan, private party and other indicators.
Mortgage Basic data provides insight on homeowner mortgage status, lender activity, mortgage history and is used by mortgage lenders, researchers and others to gain a deeper understanding of the market or to reach out to prospects. Mortgage transactions delivered furnish a chronological and incremental set of records of all mortgage financing against a property for a given data delivery period and allow clients to see distinct mortgages and the volume being originated over time, transaction by transaction.
Mortgage Basic is usually ordered with Owner Transfer Basic with Property Basic highly recommended.
Use Cases
Target prospects based on mortgage history using details such as financing, type of mortgage, date of mortgage, and loan details.
Understand mortgage trends for market planning and/or research purposes using data such as type of loan, transaction details, and information about the parties involved in transaction.
Update Frequency | Monthly
Data Source(s) | CoreLogic
Geographic availability | National data available
History | Up to 50 years
Evaluation Sample | Six counties for Evaluation purposes
Data Set Format | Pipe Delimited
Key Data Points
Mortgage type (primary, junior, etc)
Lender information
Loan type (conventional, FHA, VA, etc.)
ARM features
Indicators such as fixed rate, conforming loan, conventional loan, private party
Additional Information
Pricing Information
Contact cl_support_dx.cis@corelogic.com for more information.
Need Help?
Contact cl_support_dx.cis@corelogic.com for more information.
About CoreLogic
CoreLogic provides information intelligence to identify and manage growth opportunities, improve business performance and manage risk. Our clients turn to us as a market leader for unique property-level insights backed by science and analytics. We deliver value across our clients’ business operations, addressing challenges and acting quickly to present innovative, cost-effective solutions.
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Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
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Revision access rules
Last 1 revision | No future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
mortgage_basic_v3_evaluation | Not included | US West (Oregon) |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
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No refunds available with this data set.
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