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Enhance Your AWS Investment with Continuous Optimisation

At TMotions Global Ltd, an Advanced AWS Partner, we understand that optimising your AWS investment is an ongoing process. Our team of cloud experts is available 24x7x365 to ensure your cloud environment is managed efficiently and securely.

Comprehensive Cloud Management and Optimization

The key to successful AWS management lies in continuous oversight.TMotions Global Ltd has developed "Superior CONTROL for Cloud," a fully managed service designed to maintain high levels of efficiency, security, and compliance in your AWS deployment.

Key Deliverables

Our services offer extensive support to enhance your AWS environment, including:

  • 24x7 Cost Monitoring and Alerts: Stay within budget with real-time cost monitoring.
  • Cost Optimization and Resource Usage Reports: Regular reports and consulting to optimize costs and resource usage.
  • Security Best Practices and Remediation: Continuous improvement and resolution of security issues.
  • Core Services
  • Service Desk: Address service requests promptly.
  • Cloud Governance Reporting: Maintain visibility and control with detailed governance reports.

Specialized Services

Cloud Cost Optimization

  • Cost Savings Dashboards: Visualize and manage cost savings.
  • Budget Alerts: Receive reviews and escalations based on budget thresholds.
  • Monthly and Quarterly Reviews: Detailed cost reviews and strategic recommendations.

Cloud Security

  • Security Best Practices Dashboard: Monitor and enforce security standards.
  • Compliance Status Dashboard: Track compliance with key standards.
  • Monthly Reviews and Escalations: Regular reviews and recommendations for security and compliance.
  • CIS Benchmark Vulnerability Scanning: Monthly scans to identify and address vulnerabilities.

Get Started with Superior CONTROL for Cloud

Our customized services are designed to optimize your cloud environment, providing cost savings, enhanced governance, and improved security. TMotions Global Ltd offers these services at a competitive rate, based on a percentage of your monthly AWS spend.

Upon signing up, our expert team will contact you to set up an initial review and tailor the engagement to your specific needs.

Maximize your AWS investment with TMotions Global Ltd’s continuous cloud optimization services. Contact us today to get started.


This service is priced based on the scope of your request, with a day rate of £450. For detailed pricing tailored to your specific needs, please contact the seller.

Sold by TMotions Global Ltd
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


We are here to assist and answer any questions regarding the our Premier Cloud Optimization Managed services. Contact us here and we will assist you.