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Historically grown applications are always associated with certain risks, security concerns and questions. This becomes apparent when responsible persons change or the application is further developed and migrated to the cloud. How was the application built at that time? Is it scalable? What does it cost to operate? Was a future-proof and secure architecture chosen? Only with a comprehensive understanding of your applications you can decide whether further development is worthwhile or whether you could be in for nasty surprises in the future if you don't act in time.

In our assessment, we support you in gaining a comprehensive understanding of your application, identifying potential problems and security risks, discovering cost potential and improving the user experience. This allows you to plan your next steps based on sound results and confidently start the next chapter of your digital transformation.

Architecture review: During the architecture review, we take a close look at the structure of your application. This allows you to quickly see, for example, whether your tech stack is still up to date, whether the application can be scaled easily and also whether a possible cloud migration can be mastered well.

Informed decisions: Determine whether it is worthwhile to continue running your application and whether the architecture easily allows for any modifications and, based on this, decide how to proceed with the application.

Cost breakdown: Migration to the cloud in particular promises enormous cost savings in some cases. We show you what your application can cost in the cloud and give recommendations for the migration.

Risk analysis: With whitebox and blackbox tests, as well as a code review, we check your application for possible security vulnerabilities and provide you with recommendations for action.

Execution: Fast results in just three steps

  1. Briefing Call
  2. Analysis of your application by our experts
  3. Final workshop and presentation of results
Sold by Public Cloud Group GmbH
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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