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    Optiv - Penetration Testing

    Sold by: Optiv  
    Optiv's Penetration Testing Services finds vulnerabilities, both known and unknown within a client's environment. Optiv is focused on finding vulnerabilities in your environment and helping you close those gaps to improve your security posture through our comprehensive catalog of Penetration Testing services.
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    Optiv - Penetration Testing

    Sold by: Optiv  


    Optiv’s Penetration Testing services test your attack surface inside and out - with flexible delivery choices for any size AWS Cloud environment (EC2 instances, S3 buckets, containers, etc.). Our methods go beyond traditional automated scanning, which can miss critical gaps in defenses - including reported findings, recommended remediations and options for add-on retesting. Our expert team of analysts inspects every aspect of your AWS Cloud environment to ensure that any vulnerabilities or gaps are found so that Optiv can give you the proper recommendations to mitigate and effectively reduce your attack surface.

    Optiv offers a range of penetration testing services to deploy across your organization's cloud environment including: Targeted Internal Testing, Targeted Perimeter Testing, Comprehensive Perimeter Testing, Web Vulnerability Scan, Web Application Testing, API Testing, Cloud Assessment, Mobile Assessments and Comprehensive Internal Testing of only the infrastructure. Please reach out to Optiv to find out more on how we can help test and assess your AWS Cloud environment.


    • Cloud-dedicated consultants who are well-versed in testing your AWS Cloud environment with a comprehensive penetration test.
    • Our proven reporting standards are fine-tuned to fit your organization’s specific requirements and provide insights through a debrief and prioritized presentation after we conduct a penetration test on your on-prem, hybrid or cloud environment.
    • Following each comprehensive penetration test, we conduct a full debriefing with your organization to review a prioritized presentation of exploitable vulnerabilities so you can focus on what matters the most.


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    Pricing is based on your specific requirements and eligibility. To get a custom quote for your needs, request a private offer.


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    Please contact us for more information: 800-574-0896