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Setting up of Secure AWS Containers is essential for customers seeking to harness the benefits of containerization while ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their applications and data. A secure container environment on AWS provides peace of mind, enabling businesses to focus on innovation and growth without compromising on security.

Our process of setting up of secure of AWS containers:

Choosing the Right AWS Container Service: Our experts will help you decide between Amazon ECS or EKS, depending on your unique requirements, so you can leverage the full potential of container orchestration.

Strengthening Container Hosts: We take care of your infrastructure by regularly updating and patching container hosts. Network segmentation is in place to reduce potential attack points between containers.

Image Security with AWS ECR: Trust that your container images are thoroughly vetted and scanned before deployment, and safely stored with restricted access in our secure AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

Network Security is Key: We'll set up AWS security groups and VPC settings to control network access for your containers, limiting external exposure to keep your applications safe.

Monitoring and Logging for Peace of Mind: With AWS CloudWatch, you'll have eyes on your container environment at all times, detecting and responding to security incidents proactively.

Continuous Updates and Auditing: We believe in staying one step ahead of potential threats. Regular audits and updates of your container environment, including security configurations, ensure you're protected.

Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


Together with Matoffo we offer 24/7 Support: round-the-clock customer support to address any issues or concerns that customers may encounter at any time. Our compnay will provide guidance on best practices to ensure customers are getting the most out of the product and making use of its features effectively.