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Introducing Enkel's AWS Cloud Migration Solutions: Empowering Your Digital Transformation

Are you looking to accelerate your digital transformation journey on the AWS Cloud? Enkel offers cutting-edge credits for AWS cloud migration-related demands, providing comprehensive coverage in key areas:

  • Infrastructure Migration: Transition your infrastructure to the AWS Cloud, unlocking enhanced scalability and efficiency.

  • Environment Assessment: Our experts will analyze your current setup to determine the ideal AWS cloud sizing and architecture for your business needs.

  • Database Migration: Safely and securely migrate your databases to the AWS Cloud, ensuring data accessibility and reliability.

  • Migration and Modernization: Experience a smooth transition and modernization of your applications to the AWS cloud environment.

  • Data Migration: Trust us to handle the seamless migration of your crucial data to the AWS Cloud.

  • Cost Optimization: Achieve efficiency, higher ROI, and seamless AWS utilization. Embrace the full potential of the cloud while staying budget-friendly!

Credit-Based Model: Flexibility at Your Fingertips: Our innovative credit-based model allows you to access our top-notch AWS cloud migration services while retaining complete control over the process. The credits will be consumed on an hourly basis, depending on the skill level of the dedicated professional assigned to your demand, as follows:

- Junior Professional (1 credit/hr): Access skilled Junior Professionals at a cost-effective rate. They excel in various cloud migration tasks and provide valuable support.

- Mid-level Professional (1.5 credits/hr): Elevate your projects with specialized knowledge. Our Mid-level Professionals handle complex migration challenges with ease.

- Senior Professional (2 credits/hr): Leverage years of experience with our Senior Professionals. They lead smooth large-scale migrations to the cloud.

- Specialist Professional (2.5 credits/hr): Get the highest level of proficiency with our Specialists. They deliver exceptional results at the forefront of cloud migration practices.

The power is in your hands! Enkel credits aren't limited solely to AWS cloud migration; you can leverage them across various technology areas within our extensive portfolio. Explore services such as AWS DevOps, Observability, Machine Learning, and much more.

Tailored Solutions for Your Success: At Enkel, we believe in personalized solutions. Our team will work closely with you to determine the exact number of credits required for the successful execution and completion of your AWS cloud migration project. Through in-depth consultations and alignments, we ensure we fully understand your unique demands.

Seamless Scaling and Continuous Support: Should your credit balance deplete before the AWS cloud migration project's conclusion, worry not! Simply acquire additional credits as needed, maintaining the same consumption table based on the professional's skill level. Conversely, any remaining credits after project completion can be utilized for any other demand within the Enkel services portfolio within a generous 1-year period.

Unlock the Power of AWS MAP with Enkel's AWS Migration: Embark on a successful cloud migration with Enkel's AWS Migration Solutions and gain exclusive access to the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (AWS MAP). Our expert guidance, cost optimization, and risk mitigation pave the way for a transformative journey to the AWS Cloud.

Get Started Today: Kickstart your AWS cloud migration journey with a collaborative kick-off meeting between Enkel and your team. We'll dive into project details, specific requirements, and set the project's timeline.

Unlock the true potential of AWS Cloud Migration with Enkel's dynamic credit-based model. Contact us now and embrace the future of digital transformation. Together, let's turn your aspirations into reality!

Sold by Enkel
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


Rest assured, our acquired credits come with access to expert support during business hours (8x5). Whenever you need assistance, simply initiate support through a service desk tool agreed upon by Enkel and the client. Our dedicated team is here to ensure a smooth migration journey and address any queries promptly. Experience comprehensive support with Enkel today!