OnPoint Historical Weather Data
Provided By: Weather Source

OnPoint Historical Weather Data
Provided By: Weather Source
This complimentary sample of hourly Historical Weather data is for 50 U.S. Capital cities and represents a small snippet of the massive Weather Source historical global weather archive that goes back to the year 2000 (available in both hourly & daily resolution). With its 21 supported weather parameters, the Weather Source OnPoint historical database is the most comprehensive database in the industry that was designed and developed for analytics and machine learning.
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Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$0 for 12 months
Weather Source is the leading provider of global past, present, forecast and climatology weather data and turn-key weather based solutions that were designed for analytics and business intelligence. Drawing on cutting-edge science, data analytics and meteorological expertise, Weather Source has been delivering the industry's most comprehensive and accurate weather & climate data since 2015 enabling companies the ability to quantify the impact of weather on a business, reduce waste, increase return on investment, fine-tune logistics, optimize marketing strategy, improve resource planning and much more.
Most weather data providers rely solely on one source for their input data which is airport reporting stations (also known as observation stations). These airport reporting stations collect weather data by instrument or actual observation.
There are many issues with exclusively using airport station data including but not limited to the fact that (i) up to 25% of data from airport reporting stations has errors or gaps; (ii) much of the data from airport reporting stations requires a meteorological background or significant experience working with weather sensor data to decode and prep the data for analytics and modeling; (iii) most times these airport reporting stations are located 100’s of miles from your point of interest to be meaningful; and (iv) many times the airport reporting stations are located directly adjacent to an urban center and/or water which can have a direct impact on reported weather (e.g. Boston Logan airport reporting station is at zero sea level; offshore ocean breeze; and located next to an urban heat sink which can result in weather that is markedly different at locations that are even less than 1 mile from the Boston Logan airport reporting station).
Most weather data providers use simple interpolation methods to extend the airport reporting station to your location of interest and then call the data hyper-local. The issue with a simple interpolation method is that: (i) the algorithms do not take into account topography or geography which can greatly impact and/or influence weather; and (ii) there are many weather events such as hail or micro-bursts that are only reported when observed.
Weather Source approaches hyper-local weather data with a much different approach. Weather Source developed a high resolution OnPoint Grid that covers all landmasses on the globe and at each of our millions of grid points Weather Source ingests all of the best weather sensing technologies including satellite, radar, airport reporting stations, IoT device data, cell tower, and more to essentially build “virtual” weather stations at each grid point. All of the weather sensing inputs are cleansed, decoded and homogenized to ensure all input data is statistically consistent amongst all Weather Source data products and resources.
In addition to the homogenization of inputs, Weather Source also has robust methods for data collection, cleaning and prepping for analytics. Weather Source ingests and processes data from thousands of North America and international weather stations continuously and tests and corrects errors in real-time. The quality checking process includes a battery of tests that include observation consistency tests (e.g. can’t snow at 70F) and tests against companion datasets such as radar, satellite, and other meteorological data and analyses. Observations that are missing or determined to be erroneous are replaced with estimates that are derived from surrounding data to ensure you are always working with only the highest quality data.
In addition, OnPoint Weather and OnPoint Climatology are uniform and homogeneous across space & time. Regardless of whether you are using Past, Present, Forecast or Climatology you are always working from the exact same scheme, headers and definitions and with the continuum of weather from past to present to forecast, customers now have access to a single “source of truth” for better data management and governance.
All of Weather Source data, products, and solutions were built for analytics and machine learning. Our core data product, OnPoint Weather is a continuum of weather data going back to the year 2000 to present and with a forecast view of 15 days available in hourly or daily format.
In addition, Weather Source offers OnPoint Climatology which is essentially the statistics of weather over time. Climatology data can be useful in two ways. The first allows users to compare weather to what should be ‘normal’ weather for a place and time. Differencing Past or Forecast Weather parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind and precipitation with climatology data provides ‘departure from normal’ or ‘anomalies’. Often it’s the departure from normal that has the biggest influence on consumers and the greater the departure from normal the greater the customer or business response.
The second use of climatology data is as a long-range forecast tool. Most dependable forecasts can only provide a reliable forward view of several days but climatology allows a solid estimate of what weather to expect for a location at any point in time far into the future. In addition, OnPoint Climatology provides valuable ‘frequency of occurrence’ information for parameters like precipitation and snowfall (i.e., how often does snowfall in the range of 1.0 to 2.5 inches occur).
OnPoint Weather and OnPoint Climatology are available for any Lat / Lon coordinate, and for many geographically bounded areas such as ZIP or postal code, DMA, MSA, census block or track, etc. on any landmass on the globe and extending up to 200 miles offshore.
All of the data is available as CSV files or via our OnPoint API in both tabular form and as shape files for easy visualizations or conversions into graphics.
In addition to data, Weather Source also has products and solutions:
OnPoint Alerts are real-time notifications of any reported advisory, watch or warning that has the potential to impact your business or asset. Alerts are available for any National Weather alerts or for user defined alerts (i.e. provide an alert when temperature exceeds 100F).
Rolling Anomaly Reports - Weather Reports for 1, 3, 7, 30 or days, or full seasonal reports, going back or forward, that show the departure (standard deviations) from normal.
OnPoint Geo-Spatial Products - Weather Source provides dynamic weather and climate data in a variety of geospatial products for all significant perils including wildfires, hail, storm surge, river flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes and extreme weather such as thunderstorms and lightning.
OnPoint Geospatial products help your organization effectively visualize weather and climate trends. For example, geospatial products can illustrate what path a hurricane took on a particular day or where in a region people will be affected by individual weather parameters.
OnPoint Geospatial products incorporate deep, historical data with present and forecast data to provide powerful context.
- Weather Based Solutions - We also offer a robust suite of weather based solutions that are easily configurable for virtually any industry or business.
Dates: 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Files type: CSV
Supported Weather Parameters:
- Postal Code
- Country Code
- Valid date/time (UTC)
- Day of Year (UTC)
- Hour of the day (UTC)
- Valid date/time (Local Time)
- Daylight Saving Time Offset (Minutes)
- Air Temperature (F)
- Wet Bulb Temperature (F)
- Dew Point Temperature (F)
- Feels Like Temperature (F)
- Wind Chill Temperature (F)
- Heat Index Temperature (F)
- Relative Humidity (percent)
- Specific Humidity (grams/kilogram)
- Surface Pressure (millibars)
- Pressure Tendency (millibars)
- Mean Sea Level Pressure (millibars)
- Wind Speed at 10 meter height (mph)
- Wind Direction at 10 meter height (degrees)
- Wind Speed at 80 meter height (mph)
- Wind Direction at 80 meter height (degrees)
- Wind Speed at 100 meter height (mph)
- Wind Direction at 100 meter height (degrees)
- Total Precipitation Amount (in)
- Total Snowfall Amount (in)
- Cloud Cover (percent)
- Solar Radiation (watts/m^2)
Cities List:
US,Arkansas,Little Rock,72201
US,Iowa,Des Moines,50301
US,Louisiana,Baton Rouge,70801
US,Minnesota,St. Paul,55101
US,Missouri,Jefferson City,65101
US,Nevada,Carson City,89701
US,New Hampshire,Concord,03301
US,New Jersey,Trenton,08601
US,New Mexico,Santa Fe,87501
US,New York,Albany,12201
US,North Carolina,Raleigh,27601
US,North Dakota,Bismarck,58501
US,Oklahoma,Oklahoma City,73101
US,Rhode Island,Providence,02901
US,South Carolina,Columbia,29201
US,South Dakota,Pierre,57501
US,Utah,Salt Lake City,84101
US,West Virginia,Charleston,25301
Provided By
Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
2018 Historical Hourly Weather Data for 50 U.S. Capital Cities | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
Support information
Support contact email address
Support contact URL
Refund policy
Contact sales@weathersource.com for any questions or concerns with the data or any Weather Source product
General AWS Data Exchange support