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What we do:

· Define business objectives and success criteria

· Align business needs with Amazon Personalize capabilities or custom models

· Evaluate user and catalogue data volume and quality

· Review processes, tools, and architecture at a high level

· Optimize data format for the model

· Import user interaction history, item metadata, and user information to AWS Personalize

· Use AWS Personalize to train recommendation models for the selected use case

· Validate the recommendation system's preliminary results

· Define additional business rules to refine recommendations

· Create a solution roadmap

· Scale PoC for full dataset and all defined use cases

· Deploy the fine-tuned personalization pipeline

· Set up a real-time API for dynamic recommendations

· Integrate use cases with applications

· Initiate A/B testing

· Implement batch download format for marketing communications

What you get:

· Ability to stand out in a saturated market through personalized customer experiences

· Integrated real-time personalization in existing systems

· Improved customer engagement, loyalty, and sales

· Personalized product recommendations, notifications, and email marketing campaigns

· Expert utilization of AWS Personalize to fit specific business needs

· A solution roadmap tailored to your business

· A/B testing to ensure the most effective methods are employed

· Access to real-time API for dynamic recommendations and batch download format for marketing communications

Sold by SoftServe
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.
