Weatherbit - Current Weather API
Provided By: Weatherbit

Weatherbit - Current Weather API
Provided By: Weatherbit
This API returns current conditions from our network of over 50,000 sub-hourly reporting weather stations, regional mesoscale analyses such as the RTMA, and weather radar. Every API request will return the nearest, and most recent observation data for the requested point.
Product offers
The following offers are available for this product. Choose an offer to view the pricing and access duration options for the offer. Select an offer and continue to subscribe. Your subscription begins on the date that you accept the offer. Additional taxes or fees might apply.
Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$200 for 1 month$2,280 for 12 months
This API returns current conditions from our network of over 50,000 sub-hourly reporting weather stations, regional mesoscale analyses such as the RTMA, and weather radar. Every API request will return the nearest, and most recent observation data for the requested point.
- Global
- Temperature (Celsius)
- Dew Point Temperature (Celsius)
- Apparent Temperature - Ie. Heat Index / Wind Chill (Celsius)
- Relative Humidity (%)
- Pressure (millibar)
- Sea Level Pressure (millibar)
- Wind Speed (m/s)
- Wind Direction (degrees)
- Weather condition (Description)
- Sky cloud cover (%)
- Solar parameters - Solar Radiation, GHI, DHI, DNI (W/m^2)
- US Air Quality Index (0-500+)
- UV Index (0-11+)
- Visibility (KM)
- Precipitation Rate (mm/hr)
- Snowfall Rate (mm/hr)
Users may provide either a latitude and longitude, multiple lat/lon points, or postal code (zip code) and country code. Most country postal codes are supported. If using a postal code, please specify the "top-level" or "outward" postal code only. For the US that is the first 5 digits of the postal code. Retrieval by lat/lon is the recommended method for obtaining data.
Examples (latitude/longitude) RECOMMENDED:
"lat=35.75\&lon=-78.55"\ "lat=-33.871473\&lon=151.028290"
Examples - Multiple locations (COUNTS AS MULTIPLE AGAINST QUOTA):
"points=(35.75, -78.55), (-33.871473, 151.028290)" # 2 requests againts daily & per second quota.\ "points=(45.5, -104.67), (-28.9, 120.5), (42, -128.50)" # 3 requests againts daily & per second quota.
Examples (postal/zip code):
"postal_code=27601\&country=US"\ "postal_code=01067\&country=DE"\ "postal_code=BD7\&country=UK"
This plan allows for 150,000 requests per day. For higher quota/usage - please see:
Example Response
"count": 1,
"data": [
"app_temp": 23.7,
"aqi": 54,
"city_name": "Raleigh",
"clouds": 93,
"country_code": "US",
"datetime": "2024-07-29:19",
"dewpt": 21.7,
"dhi": 119,
"dni": 907,
"elev_angle": 62.19,
"ghi": 913,
"gust": 2,
"h_angle": 25.7,
"lat": 35.7721,
"lon": -78.63861,
"ob_time": "2024-07-29 19:00",
"pod": "d",
"precip": 3.5722656,
"pres": 1006.7,
"rh": 93,
"slp": 1019.6,
"snow": 0,
"solar_rad": 271,
"sources": [
"state_code": "NC",
"station": "1327W",
"sunrise": "10:21",
"sunset": "00:21",
"temp": 22.9,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"ts": 1722279600,
"uv": 3,
"vis": 16,
"weather": {
"icon": "r01d",
"description": "Light rain",
"code": 500
"wind_cdir": "ESE",
"wind_cdir_full": "east-southeast",
"wind_dir": 117,
"wind_spd": 0.45
Field Description
count: Count of returned observations.
data: [
lat: Latitude (Degrees).
lon: Longitude (Degrees).
sunrise: Sunrise time UTC (HH:MM).
sunset: Sunset time UTC (HH:MM).
timezone: Local IANA Timezone.
station: [DEPRECATED] Nearest reporting station ID.
sources: List of data sources used in response.
ob_time: Last observation time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM).
datetime: [DEPRECATED] Current cycle hour (YYYY-MM-DD:HH).
ts: Last observation time (Unix timestamp).
city_name: City name.
country_code: Country abbreviation.
state_code: State abbreviation/code.
pres: Pressure (mb).
slp: Sea level pressure (mb).
wind_spd: Wind speed (Default m/s).
gust: Wind gust speed (Default m/s).
wind_dir: Wind direction (degrees).
wind_cdir: Abbreviated wind direction.
wind_cdir_full: Verbal wind direction.
temp: Temperature (default Celsius).
app_temp: Apparent/"Feels Like" temperature (default Celsius).
rh: Relative humidity (%).
dewpt: Dew point (default Celsius).
clouds: Cloud coverage (%).
pod: Part of the day (d = day / n = night).
weather: {
icon:Weather icon code.
code:Weather code.
description: Text weather description.
vis: Visibility (default KM).
precip: Liquid equivalent precipitation rate (default mm/hr).
snow: Snowfall (default mm/hr).
uv: UV Index (0-11+).
aqi: Air Quality Index [US - EPA standard 0 - +500]
dhi: Diffuse horizontal solar irradiance (W/m^2) [Clear Sky]
dni: Direct normal solar irradiance (W/m^2) [Clear Sky]
ghi: Global horizontal solar irradiance (W/m^2) [Clear Sky]
solar_rad: Estimated Solar Radiation (W/m^2).
elev_angle: Solar elevation angle (degrees).
h_angle: [DEPRECATED] Solar hour angle (degrees).
URL Parameters (Options)
Default units are in Metric. Users may specify the "units" URL parameter to change from metric to imperial via "\&units=imperial". Units will be converted as follows:
- Celsius -> Fahrenheit
- KM -> Miles
- mm/hr -> inches / hr
- m/s -> mph (miles/hr)
CLI Request Syntax
The following is the syntax to use if you wish to use the aws CLI tool to submit a request to this API.
aws dataexchange send-api-asset --data-set-id <DATA_SET_ID> --revision-id <REVISION_ID> --asset-id <ASSET_ID> --method GET --path "/current" --query-string-parameters 'lat=<LATITUDE>&lon=<LONGITUDE>'
aws dataexchange send-api-asset --data-set-id <DATA_SET_ID> --revision-id <REVISION_ID> --asset-id <ASSET_ID> --method GET --path "/current" --query-string-parameters 'postal_code=<POSTAL_CODE>'
*The values between "<>" should be replaced with the appropriate values for your subscription which you can find in the AWS Console.
Example request
Retrieve the current weather conditions for New York City, NY (lat: 40.745680, lon: -73.990922) with imperial units.
aws dataexchange send-api-asset --data-set-id <DATA_SET_ID> --revision-id <REVISION_ID> --asset-id <ASSET_ID> --method GET --path "/current" --query-string-parameters 'lat=40.745680&lon=-73.990922&units=imperial'
Provided By
Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
Weatherbit - Current Weather API | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
Support information
Support contact email address
Support contact URL
Refund policy
Refunds are not offered on this product.
General AWS Data Exchange support