Enhanced Canadian Street Address File (TRIAL)
Provided By: Geolytica

Enhanced Canadian Street Address File (TRIAL)
Provided By: Geolytica
Enhanced Canadian civic street address file with postal codes geocoded to rooftop accuracy with over 26,983,726 records. (SAMPLE)
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Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$0 for 1 month
The Canada Postal Address Database contains 26,983,726 records as of the last update on 2019-11-28 13:43:13. It consists of every individual civic address point in Canada geocoded to the rooftop of the building, including the building's postal code. It contains the following data columns:
"PostCode","Number","Street","City","Province","Latitude","Longitude","Street Name","Type","Direction","Confidence","aType","Unit","Count"
for example: ... "K2C1N2","1295","PRINCE OF WALES DR","OTTAWA","ON","45.371634","-75.706800","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","NonRes","","1"
The enhanced street address file contains the following additional attributes. "Confidence" is the geocoding confidence score. A score of "1" means "rooftop" geocoding result, everything else is interpolated. "aType" is the address type. It takes one of two values: "Res" -> Residential Address, or "NonRes" -> Non Residential. "Unit" is the unit/apartment/suite/etc number (if applicable.) "Count" is the number of units/apartments/suites/etc in the address.
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Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
CanDataSampleV3SM4G | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
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