Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care
Provided By: John Snow Labs

Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care
Provided By: John Snow Labs
This data package includes information about Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and Efficiency Scores. It also provides the datasets over Hospital of Health Care over Patient Experience, Pneumonia, Preventive Care, Associated infections and Total Performance Scores for Clinical Process.
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$0 for 12 months
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance rates and scores. The Hospital Value Based Purchasing (HVBP) Program is a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) initiative that rewards acute care hospitals with incentive payments for the quality of care they provide to Medicare beneficiaries. CMS rewards hospitals based on the quality of care provided to Medicare patients, closely best clinical practices and well hospitals enhance patients experiences of care during hospital stays.
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Efficiency Scores contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance ratios and scores for the Efficiency Medicare Spending per Beneficiary (MSPB) measure. Medicare makes incentive payments to hospitals based on how well they perform on each measure and how much they improve their performance on each measure compared to their performance during a baseline period. Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Outcome Scores contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance rates and scores for the outcome measures.
This data package also includes a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Compare and their Clinical Process of Care domain scores, Patient Experience of Care dimension scores, and Total Performance Scores. CMS assesses each hospital’s total performance by comparing its Achievement and Improvement scores for each applicable Hospital Value Based Purchasing measure. CMS uses a threshold and benchmark to determine how many points to award for the achievement and improvement scores. CMS compares the achievement and Improvement scores and uses whichever is greater.
License Information
The use of John Snow Labs datasets is free for personal and research purposes. For commercial use please subscribe to the Data Library on AWS. The subscription will allow you to use all John Snow Labs datasets and data packages for commercial purposes.
Description | Value |
Data Package Complexity | Simple |
Available Enrichments | N/A |
Keywords | Hospital Compare, Process of Care, Value Based Healthcare, Acute Myocardial Infarction, Hospital Value Based Purchasing, CMS Value Based Purchasing, Patient Survey, Patient Experience of Care, Value Based Purchasing, Core Measures |
Other Titles | CMS Value Based Purchasing, Hospital Core Measures, HCHAPS Questions, HCHAPS Scores, CMS Quality Measures |
Included Datasets
Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital
This dataset shows 6 Clinical Episode-Based Payment (CEBP) Measures by hospital. It includes Conditions: Cellulitis, Kidney/Urinary Tract Infection, Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage; Procedures: Aortic Aneurysm, Spinal Fusion, Cholecystectomy and Common Duct Exploration. This measure takes into account important factors like patient age, health status (risk adjustment) and geographic payment differences (payment-standardization).
Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by State
This dataset shows 6 Clinical Episode-Based Payment (CEBP) Measures by state. It includes Conditions: Cellulitis, Kidney/Urinary Tract Infection, Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage; Procedures: Aortic Aneurysm, Spinal Fusion, Cholecystectomy and Common Duct Exploration. This measure takes into account important factors like patient age, health status (risk adjustment) and geographic payment differences (payment-standardization).
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Acute MI Scores
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance rates and scores for the Clinical Process of Care AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction) measures.
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Efficiency Scores
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance ratios and scores for the Efficiency Medicare Spending per Beneficiary (MSPB) measure.
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Outcome Scores
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance rates and scores for the outcome measures.
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Patient Experience Scores
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their scores for the Patient Experience of Care HCAHPS dimensions.
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Pneumonia Scores
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance rates and scores for the Clinical Process of Care Pneumonia measures. This dataset is no more updated now a days and has been retired from hospital compare datasets.
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Preventive Care Scores
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance rates and scores for the Preventive Care measure.
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Surgical Care Improvements
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance rates and scores for the Clinical Process of Care Surgical Care Improvement Project measures.
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Total Performance Score
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their Clinical Process of Care domain scores, Patient Experience of Care dimension scores, and Total Performance Scores.
Hospital Value Based Purchasing Healthcare Associated Infection Scores
This dataset contains a list of hospitals participating in the Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program and their performance rates and scores for the Clinical Process of Care Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) measure.
Provider Data on Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model
This dataset includes provider data for two quality measures tracked during an episode of care that contains complication rate for hip and knee replacement patients and the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Survey information.
Data Engineering Overview
We deliver high-quality data
- Each dataset goes through 3 levels of quality review
- 2 Manual reviews are done by domain experts
- Then, an automated set of 60+ validations enforces every datum matches metadata & defined constraints
- Data is normalized into one unified type system
- All dates, unites, codes, currencies look the same
- All null values are normalized to the same value
- All dataset and field names are SQL and Hive compliant
- Data and Metadata
- Data is available in both CSV and Apache Parquet format, optimized for high read performance on distributed Hadoop, Spark & MPP clusters
- Metadata is provided in the open Frictionless Data standard, and its every field is normalized & validated
- Data Updates
- Data updates support replace-on-update: outdated foreign keys are deprecated, not deleted
Our data is curated and enriched by domain experts
Each dataset is manually curated by our team of doctors, pharmacists, public health & medical billing experts:
- Field names, descriptions, and normalized values are chosen by people who actually understand their meaning
- Healthcare & life science experts add categories, search keywords, descriptions and more to each dataset
- Both manual and automated data enrichment supported for clinical codes, providers, drugs, and geo-locations
- The data is always kept up to date – even when the source requires manual effort to get updates
- Support for data subscribers is provided directly by the domain experts who curated the data sets
- Every data source’s license is manually verified to allow for royalty-free commercial use and redistribution.
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- If you have questions about our products, contact us at info@johnsnowlabs.com.
About Us
John Snow Labs , an AI and NLP for healthcare company, provides state-of-the-art software, models, and data to help healthcare and life science organizations build, deploy, and operate AI projects.
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AWS Data Exchange
Data dictionaries
A data dictionary is a visual representation of the contents of a data set. The data represented here is for evaluation purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual content of the product.
- ...
Field name | Description | Example | Data type | Primary key | Nullable | Max length | Data set | Table name | Table description |
Provider_ID | CMS certification number (CCN). Identification number of the hospital within the CMS dataset. The CCN for providers and suppliers is a 6 digit number. The first 2 digits identify the State in which the provider is located. The last 4 digits identify the type of facility. | - | integer | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_hospital | |
Measure_ID | The identification (ID) of the clinical episode based payment measures. | - | string | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_hospital | |
Measure_Value | The value for clinical episode based payment measures. | - | numeric | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_hospital | |
Footnote_Value | The Footnote value for clinical episode based payment measures. | - | numeric | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_hospital | |
Footnote_Description | Description of the Footnote values. | - | string | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_hospital | |
State_Abbreviation | Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands: MP | - | string | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by State | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_state | |
Measure_ID | The identification (ID) of the clinical episode-based payment measures. | - | string | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by State | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_state | |
Measure_Value | The value for clinical episode-based payment measures. | - | numeric | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by State | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_state | |
Footnote | Footnote describes an additional piece of information given separately for the compiled data. | 14.0 | integer | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by State | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_state | |
Footnote_Description | Description of the Footnote value. | - | string | - | - | - | Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by State | clinical_episode_based_payment_measures_by_state |
Data sets (12)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
Provider Data on Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Value Based Purchasing Healthcare Associated Infection Scores | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Total Performance Score | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Surgical Care Improvements | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Preventive Care Scores | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Pneumonia Scores | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Patient Experience Scores | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Outcome Scores | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Efficiency Scores | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Acute MI Scores | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by State | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital | Included | US East (N. Virginia) |
Data dictionaries and samples
Sample data is for evaluation purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual content of the product.
Name | Resource | File type | File size | Description | ||
Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Data dictionary | Data dictionary | text/csv | - | |||
data_preview.csv | Sample | text/csv | Preview of Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by Hospital dataset | |||
Clinical Episode Based Payment Measures by State | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Acute MI Scores | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Efficiency Scores | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Outcome Scores | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Patient Experience Scores | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Pneumonia Scores | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Preventive Care Scores | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Surgical Care Improvements | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Compare Clinical Process of Care Total Performance Score | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Value Based Purchasing Healthcare Associated Infection Scores | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Provider Data on Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model | Data set | - | - | - |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
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