EVERSANA Patient Journey - Irritable Bowel Disease (SAMPLE)
Provided By: EVERSANA

EVERSANA Patient Journey - Irritable Bowel Disease (SAMPLE)
Provided By: EVERSANA
This sample dataset provides a detailed view into the patient journey of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) patients in the United States.
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Understanding the events and clinical aspects of a patient’s disease journey is fundamental to identifying key inflection points where new therapies and long-standing treatments can be applied to positively impact patient outcomes. This sample dataset provides a detailed view into the patient journey of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) patients in the United States. It is compiled from an extensive set of US healthcare claims data, and provides visibility into the drugs, diagnoses (comorbidities), and procedures of these patients, as well as the type of Health Care Providers the patients see. In addition, patient counts by US MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) are provided along with gender, age, and insurance distributions to support the depth of information supported by the underlying claims dataset.
Data Background:
• Source: US Claims Data, covering 280M patients
• Time Period: Patient Claims analyzed from 2015 to 2020
• Patient Definition: ICD-10 K40 Crohn’s Disease & ICD-10 K41 Ulcerative Colitis
• Patient Count: 949,547
Included Data Tables:
• Top 100 drugs prescribed to IBD patients
• Top 50 Diagnoses for IBD patients
• Top 50 Procedures for IBD patients
• Top 25 HCP Specialties treating IBD patients
Patient Counts and Distributions:
o Patient claim counts by US MSA
o Patient prevalence per 100K per US MSA
o Gender Distribution of IBD patients
o Age distribution of IBD patients
o Insurance distribution of IBD patients
About Eversana
EVERSANA™ is the leading provider of global services to the life sciences industry. The company’s integrated solutions are rooted in the patient experience and span all stages of the product life cycle to deliver long-term, sustainable value for patients, prescribers, channel partners and payers. The company serves more than 500 organizations, including innovative start-ups and established pharmaceutical companies, to advance life sciences solutions for a healthier world. To learn more about EVERSANA, visit eversana.com or connect through LinkedIn and Twitter.
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AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
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Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
EVERSANA Patient Journey - Irritable Bowel Disease (SAMPLE) | Not included | US East (Ohio) |
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