POIData.xyz Points of Interest (POI) Geo Data - South Korea
Provided By: Geolytica

POIData.xyz Points of Interest (POI) Geo Data - South Korea
Provided By: Geolytica
This is a Point of Interest (POI) Dataset for South Korea as of September 2021 containing 738,729 records. Of the 1941 categories, the top 10 are: Restaurant, Accommodation, Direction information, Enterprise, Supermarket, Protestantism, Hospital, Apartments, Agricultural facilities, Convenience. The full category list is at https://store.poidata.xyz/kr
Product offers
The following offers are available for this product. Choose an offer to view the pricing and access duration options for the offer. Select an offer and continue to subscribe. Your subscription begins on the date that your request is approved by the provider. Additional taxes or fees might apply.
Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$7,000 for 12 months
This is the PoiData.XYZ South Korea South Korea Point of Interest (POI) Dataset of the latest Ground Truth pertaining to current active businesses and institutions in South Korea. Click here for a sample of this dataset.
Regional Coverage
This POI dataset is for South Korea only.
This product is delivered in the following format: Comma Separated File (CSV)
Full Description
Point-of-interest (POI) is defined as a physical entity (such as a business) in a geo location (point) which may be (of interest).
We strive to provide the most accurate, complete and up to date point of interest datasets for all countries of the world. The South Korea POI Dataset is one of our worldwide POI datasets with over 98% coverage.
This is our process flow:
- Our machine learning systems continuously crawl for new POI data
- Our geoparsing and geocoding calculates their geo locations
- Our categorization systems cleanup and standardize the datasets
- Our data pipeline API publishes the datasets on our data store
POI Data is in a constant flux - especially so during times of drastic change such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
Every minute worldwide on an average day over 200 businesses will move, over 600 new businesses will open their doors and over 400 businesses will cease to exist.
In today's interconnected world, of the approximately 200 million POIs worldwide, over 94% have a public online presence. As a new POI comes into existence its information will appear very quickly in location based social networks (LBSNs), other social media, pictures, websites, blogs, press releases. Soon after that, our state-of-the-art POI Information retrieval system will pick it up.
We offer our customers perpetual data licenses for any dataset representing this ever changing information, downloaded at any given point in time. This makes our company's licensing model unique in the current Data as a Service - DaaS Industry. Our customers don't have to delete our data after the expiration of a certain "Term", regardless of whether the data was purchased as a one time snapshot, or via a recurring payment plan on our data update pipeline.
The main differentiators between us vs the competition are our flexible licensing terms and our data freshness.
The core attribute coverage for South Korea is as follows:
Poi Field Data | Coverage (%) poi_name | 100 brand | 4 poi_tel | 44 formatted_address | 100 main_category | 100 latitude | 100 longitude | 100 neighborhood | 2 source_url | 8 email | 1 opening_hours | 10
The dataset may be viewed online at https://store.poidata.xyz/kr and a data sample may be downloaded at https://store.poidata.xyz/datafiles/kr_sample.csv
The Data Schema for this product is as follows:
Parameter | Description | Type | Example |
poi_name | The name of the point of interest | String | 산티아고가는길 |
brand | The brand name of the point of interest | String | |
poi_tel | The telephone number of the point of interest | String | 0507-1305-61 |
main_category | The main category name of the point of interest | String | Restaurant |
second_category | The secondary category name of the point of interest | String | Brunch |
location_id | Integer id of the geo location of the POI with a resolution of 10 metres | Integer | 8049004703989 |
area_id | Integer id of the general area (city/neighborhoods) of the POI location | Integer | 677447 |
small_area_id | Integer id of the specific area (a small collection of city blocks) of the POI location. This is useful for grouping together Points of Interest that are for example in the same Airport or Mall. | Integer | 804900470 |
latitude | Latitude coordinate of the point of interest. | Float | 33.3100222239976 |
longitude | Longitude coordinate of the point of interest. | Float | 126.712269323575 |
adr | Street Address. | String | 한신로 197 |
city | City Name. | String | 서귀포시 |
neighborhood | City Neighborhood or City District Name. | String | 남원읍 |
prov | Province, State or Region Name | String | 제주 |
postal | Postal or Zip Code | String | 63618 |
country | The country name | String | South Korea |
formatted_address | The formatted postal address | String | 제주 서귀포시 남원읍 한신로 197 |
source_url | The web address of the point of interest | String | http://naver.me/IIdxY1n7 |
The email address of the point of interest | String | iop5377@naver.com | |
opening_hours | The hours of operation | String | Mo-Sa 09:00-21:00 |
crawl_time | The timestamp when this POI was crawled and verified as active | DateTime | 2021-09-26 14:43:32 |
Unique Data Key
The combination of poi_name and small_area_id is a unique key.
General License Terms
License Terms - https://store.poidata.xyz/license.txt Privacy Policy - https://poidata.xyz/privacy.txt
About POIDATA.xyz
POIDATA , a Geolytica inc subsidiary, is a data company bringing innovative solutions to the problem of maintaining up-to-date and accurate Point-of-Interest (POI) Data - Ground Truth at the Speed of Life. .
Provided By
Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
South Korea POI Data | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
Support information
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Refund policy
Refunds are not offered for this product.
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