Luxembourg Vehicle Data
Provided By: Infinite Loop Development Ltd

Luxembourg Vehicle Data
Provided By: Infinite Loop Development Ltd
A data set of every vehicle registered in Luxembourg, in Zipped XML format. This data set currently covers almost 600,000 vehicles.
Product offers
The following offers are available for this product. Choose an offer to view the pricing and access duration options for the offer. Select an offer and continue to subscribe. Your subscription begins on the date that you accept the offer. Additional taxes or fees might apply.
Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$250 for 12 months
This dataset consists of every vehicle registered in Luxembourg, in Zipped XML format. This data set currently covers almost 600,000 vehicles , with fields defined as follows;
Field Name | Description | Description (EN) |
OPE | Code Opération | Operation Code |
CATSTC | Code Catégorie (1) | Category Code Statec(1) |
CODCAR | Code Carrosserie Européen | European Bodywork Code |
LIBCAR | Libellé Carrosserie | Bodywork wording |
CATEU | Code Catégorie Européenne | European Category Code |
COUL | Couleur | Color |
INDUTI | Indication d'utilisation | Indication of use |
PAYPVN | Code du pays de provenance | Country of origin code |
CODMRQ | Code marque | Manufacturer Code |
LIBMRQ | Libellé marque | Manufacturer wording |
TYPUSI | Type usine | Type |
TYPCOM | Désignation commerciale | Commercial name |
PVRNUM | Numéro PVR(3) | EC type approval number(3) |
PVRVAR | Variante PVR(3) | Variant(3) |
PVRVER | Version PVR(3) | Version(3) |
DATCIRPRM | Date de première mise en circulation | Date of first registration |
DATCIR_GD | Date de première mise en circulation au Luxembourg | Date of first registration in Luxemburg |
DATCIR | Date de mise en circulation par le propriétaire | Date of the registration to which this certificate refers |
DATHORCIR | Date de mise hors circulation | Off road declaration date |
MVID | Masse à vide | Mass in running order |
MMA | Masse maximale autorisée | technically permissible maximum laden mass |
MMAENS | MMA ensemble | Technically permissible maximum mass of the combination |
MMAATT | MMA point d'attelage | Technically permissible maximum static vertical mass at the coupling point |
MMARSF | Masse remorquable sans freinage | Technically permissible maximum towable mass in case of brakeless trailer |
MMARAF | Masse remorquable avec freinage | Technically permissible maximum towable mass in case of centre-axle trailer |
I4X4 | Indicateur 4x4 | 4x4 Indicator |
ABS | Indicateur ABS | ABS Indicator |
ASR | Indicateur ASR | ASR Indicator |
PLAAVA | Nombre Places Avant | Number of front seats |
PLAARR | Nombre Places Arrière | Number of back seats |
PLASAV | Nombre Spécifique Avant | Number of specific front seats |
PLASAR | Nombre Spécifique Arrière | Number of specific back seats |
PLADEB | Places Debout | Number of standing places |
PLAASS | Places Assises | Number of sitting places |
LON | Longueur | Length |
LAR | Largeur | Width |
HAU | Hauteur | Height |
ESSIM | Nombre d'essieux simples | Number of simple axles |
ESTAN | Nombre d'essieux tandem | Number of tandem axles |
ESTRI | Nombre d'essieux tridem | Number of tridem axles |
EMPMAX | Empattement Maximal | Wheelbase |
LARES1 | Largeur voie Essieu 1 | Axle(s) track 1. |
LARES2 | Largeur voie Essieu 2 | Axle(s) track 2. |
TYPMOT | Type moteur | Engine code as marked on the engine |
CODCRB | Code carburant | Fuel code |
LIBCRB | Libellé Carburant | Fuel |
NBRCYL | Nombre de cylindres | Number of cylinders |
PKW | Puissance | Maximum net power |
CYD | Cylindrée | Engine capacity |
INFOUTI | Info Utilisateur[d] | User information[d] |
INFCO2 | Emissions CO2 en g/km (combiné) | CO2 emissions in g/km (Combined) |
L100KM | Consommation en l/100km (combiné) | fuel consumption in l/100km (Combined) |
INFPARTICULE | Emission de particules en g/km | Exhaust emissions particulates (mass in g/km) |
INFNOX | Emissions Nox en g/km | Exhaust emissions Nox in g/km |
EUNORM | Euronorme | Exhaust emission level |
Provided By
Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
Luxembourg Vehicle Data | Not included | EU (Frankfurt) |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
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Refunds are not offered on this product.
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