Gale Videohound Golden Movie Retriever
Provided By: Gale, a Cengage Company

Gale Videohound Golden Movie Retriever
Provided By: Gale, a Cengage Company
Videohound’s Golden Movie Retriever includes reviews on over 35,000 movies available for purchase or rental in most home entertainment formats. Movies covered include theatrical releases, feature-length direct-to-streaming and made-for-cable titles; and selected documentaries.
Product offers
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Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$22,750 for 12 months
Details include: Movie entries have 32 fields of data including plot synopsis/review, critical rating (in ”1-4” bone rating format), MPAA rating, run time, release year, color/black and white designation, cast and crew listings, formats, awards and nominations, and song titles (for musicals) - Additional data elements include alternate/foreign titles, content warnings, subject categories, descriptions and country of origin - Details films honored by national and international award-giving bodies, representing some 90 categories of competition. Awards include the Academy Awards, Golden Globes, Independent Spirit Awards, British Academy Awards, Screen Actors Guild, Directors Guild, Writers Guild, and Golden Raspberry Awards - Distributor’s name and contact detail including address, email and URL.
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Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
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Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
Gale Videohound Golden Movie Retriever_Oct 2020 | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
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