Mathematica Medicaid Beneficiary Dataset
Provided By: Mathematica's Data Innovation Lab

Mathematica Medicaid Beneficiary Dataset
Provided By: Mathematica's Data Innovation Lab
State level Medicaid beneficiary demographic summary data and data quality reports
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Medicaid Enrollee Demographics
Mathematica’s Data Innovation Lab
Mathematica’s Data Innovation Lab has access to 100% linkable claims, encounter, pharmacy, and enrollment data for 170+ million lives enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid programs—including managed care. Mathematica provides direct-access to data at the provider, facility, therapeutic, condition, geographic, or population-level. Mathematica also provides indirect access to support client’s needs around real-world evidence, population health, market intelligence, and other services for the healthcare and life sciences industries.
Understand the full Medicaid population
Over 82 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid, many of which were dually eligible for Medicare. Due to challenges with data completeness and quality of Medicaid data, researchers and product developers find it difficult to generate data-driven insights that improve the wellbeing of Medicaid beneficiaries. However, now with Mathematica’s corpus of Medicaid data knowledge and analytic tools, insights can be understood with respect to quality, utilization, and access to care for Medicaid populations.
Data Products for Medicaid Beneficiaries
Mathematica is offering insights into the Medicaid population through access and integration of the national Medicare and Medicaid databases. This includes inpatient, professional, ambulatory, long-term care, pharmacy, and enrollment data from CMS’s databases. To inform the development of custom analytic files, this data product provides counts of age and sex, as well as missingness of data elements on the enrollment file. The data are summarized at the state-level. Future releases will provide statistics at the state-subgroup level, where the subgroup is a county, reason for Medicaid eligibility (i.e., MASBOE), or managed care plan type. These files are derived from beneficiary-level data that is linkable across the Medicare and Medicaid programs. These data cover 2018, but summaries are available from 2017-2020 upon request.
Data Highlights:
- Users can gain a high-level snapshot of Medicaid enrollee demographics by each state, with a report of missingness for topics such as:
- Other program enrollment (e.g., TANF, SSDI, Medicare)
- Population identification (e.g., veterans, long-term service and support users) Filling a critical gap for payers As the experts on Medicaid data analytics, Mathematica enables health plans, health systems, and researchers to gain insights into populations that are historically underserved and disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Custom Products and Services Available
To learn about other data products and services offered by Mathematica, email DataInnovationLab@mathematica-mpr.com. We offer data products and analytics focused on the Medicare and Medicaid populations, with emphasis on cost, utilization, and quality of care benchmarks, provider network analytics, and health economics outcomes research. See our other AWS marketplace listings here.
Demographic Summary Data Dictionary (demo_state)
state = Two character state abbreviation
bene_cnt = Total number of beneficiaries per state
age_missing = Number of beneficiaries with age missing.
age_1_le_17 = Number of beneficiaries between ages 1 and 17.
age_18_64 = Number of beneficiaries between ages 18 and 64.
age_ge_65 = Number of beneficiaries with age greater than or equal to 65.
sex_missing = Number of beneficiaries missing sex data
sex_f = Number of beneficiaries with female sex
sex_m = Number of beneficiaries with male sex
Missingness Report Data Dictionary (mcaid_long_state)
state = Two character state abbreviation
bene_cnt = Total number of beneficiaries per state and stratifier.
measure = Categorical variable listing variable description of missing count
measure_count = Number of beneficiaries missing the variable named in the measure column
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Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
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All historical revisions | All future revisions
Contains sensitive information
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
Mathematica Medicaid Beneficiary Dataset | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
Usage information
You’ll need an Amazon Redshift RA3 cluster or serverless endpoint to query this data. You can setup, manage, and view your Amazon Redshift infrastructure in the Redshift console. Learn more about Amazon Redshift serverless and how to start querying third-party data in Amazon Redshift. Learn more
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