Hospital Compare General Information
Provided By: John Snow Labs

Hospital Compare General Information
Provided By: John Snow Labs
This data package contains information about Abeyance, Dispersal and GP Practice Codes for Prescribing Cost Centres and Relevant Health Trusts. It comprises of datasets on Hospital Compare by General Practitioners and Long Term Care Hospitals by General Information and Provider data. It also includes datasets on Nurse Prescribers, Pharmacy Headquarters and Private Controlled Drug Prescribers in England as well as Medical Center Location of US Hospital.
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This data package contains the Abeyance and Dispersal General Practitioners (GP) Codes that are a part of this data package. The Organization Data Service (ODS) is provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). It is responsible for the publication of all organization and practitioner codes and national policy and standards with regard to the majority of organization codes and encompasses the functionality and services previously provided by the National Administrative Codes Service (NACS). These code standards form part of the NHS data standards. For dispensaries in England, each dispensary can only be linked to one Headquarter (HQ). Data for General Medical Practices, General Medical Practitioners (GPs), Prescribing Cost Centres and Dispensaries are supplied by the National Health Service (NHS) Prescription Services and are used to facilitate their remit to remunerate dispensing contractors and provide the NHS with financial, prescribing and drug information.
The General Practitioners (GPs) Practice Codes by relevant Health Trusts in England and Wales includes Practitioners and Parent Organization Code, Join and Left Parent Date information for several health trusts in England and Wales. The dataset of Codes for GP branch surgeries in England includes information over data for GPs and GP Surgeries that has traditionally been supplied by the NHS Prescription Service of the NHS Business Services Authority. Hospital General Information and Performance Measures include a list of all hospitals that have been registered with Medicare. Hospital Compare provides information on how well hospitals provide recommended care to their patients. This information can help consumers make informed decisions about where to go for health care. Hospital Compare allows consumers to select multiple hospitals and directly compare performance measure information as it includes measures on Mortality, Safety of Care, Readmissions, Patients' Experience, Timeliness of Care, Effectiveness of Care and Efficient Use of Medical Imaging.
This data package also includes a list of long-term care hospitals. Long Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs) provide care to patients with medically complex problems. These complex diagnoses include Traumatic Brain Injury, conditions requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation, paralysis, very significant wound care, and other conditions resulting in organ failure resulting in the patient requiring a hospital-level of care for an extended period. US Hospital Medical Center Location provides a list of hospitals which includes medical centers in the USA with detailed geolocation identifiers. It includes only hospital facilities and does not include nursing homes. Data for all the states was acquired from respective states departments and then geocoded and converted into a spatial database.
License Information
The use of John Snow Labs datasets is free for personal and research purposes. For commercial use please subscribe to the Data Library on AWS. The subscription will allow you to use all John Snow Labs datasets and data packages for commercial purposes.
Description | Value |
Data Package Complexity | Medium |
Available Enrichments | N/A |
Keywords | General Practitioner (GP), Abeyance and Dispersal Codes, National Health Service (NHS), Dispensaries HQ in England, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Primary Care Trust (PCT), General National Codes (GNC), Long Term Care Hospitals LTCHs, Pharmacy Headquarters Organization, Medical Center |
Other Titles | Abeyance And Dispersal General Practitioners Codes, US Healthcare Hospital Location, Codes for Dispensary Headquarters in England, General Practitioners Identifying Codes by Relative Health Trust in UK, General Information Regarding Long Term Care Hospitals |
Included Datasets
Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes
This dataset comprises of Abeyance and Dispersal General Practitioners (GP) Codes. It includes name and address information, identifying codes, Joined and Left Parent dates and contact telephone number for abeyance and dispersal GP Codes.
Clinics in England
This dataset contains information about clinics in England. National Health Service (NHS) Choices considers clinics as locations that provide predominantly outpatient services. It includes information about organization and postcodes, telephone number and email address for several clinics organizations in England.
Dispensaries in England
This dataset comprises of codes for dispensaries in England. Each dispensary can only be linked to one HQ (Headquarter). It includes information about the organization and zip codes, open and close date information and telephone number for several dispensaries in England.
GP Practice Codes by Relevant Health Trusts in England and Wales
This dataset comprises of General Practitioners (GPs) Practice Codes by relevant Health Trusts in England and Wales. It includes Practitioners and Parent Organization Code, Join and Left Parent Date information for several health trusts in England and Wales.
GP Practices Currently Followed and Prescribing Cost Centers
This dataset comprises of General Practitioner (GP) Practices and the prescribed Cost Centres in England and Wales. It includes the name and address information and identifying codes for GP Practices in England and Wales.
General Medical Practitioners Currently Working in England and Wales
This dataset comprises of General Medical Practitioners (GPs) currently working in England and Wales. It includes name and address information and identifying codes for General Practitioners working in England and Wales. These identifying codes are known as General National Codes (GNC).
General Practitioner Branch Surgeries in England
This dataset comprises of Codes for General Practitioner (GP) branch surgeries in England. It includes information about Government Office Region and Parent Organization Code, Joined and Left Parent Organization Date information and Telephone Number for several branch surgeries in England.
General Practitioner Branches in England
This dataset contains a list of active General Practioner (GP) branches. The data is aligned with the Organization Data Service (ODS) GP data. It includes information about organization and postcodes, telephone number and email address for several GP branches in England.
General Practitioners Codes by GP Practice
This dataset comprises of General Medical Practitioner (GP) codes to the relevant GP Practice or Practices at which they work. It includes Practitioners and Parent Organization Code, Joined and Left Parent Organization Date information.
Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program National
This dataset identifies hospitals that are subject to a payment reduction based on rank with respect to Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) quality measures. The Affordable Care Act established the HAC Reduction Program to incentivize hospitals to reduce HACs. Hospitals that rank in the worst-performing 25 percent of all subsection (d) hospitals. These hospitals may have their payments reduced by 99 percent of what would have been paid for such discharges.
Hospital General Information and Performance Measures Comparison
This dataset includes a list of all hospitals that have been registered with Medicare. The list includes addresses, phone numbers and hospital type. This dataset also comprises of the measures such as Mortality, Safety of Care, Readmissions, Patients' Experience, Timeliness of Care, Effectiveness of Care and Efficient Use of Medical Imaging.
Hospitals in England
This dataset contains information about hospitals in England. National Health Service (NHS) Choices considers hospitals as locations that provide predominantly inpatient services. It includes information about organization and post codes, telephone number and email address for several hospital organizations in England.
Long Term Care Hospital General Information
This dataset includes a list of long-term care hospitals with information such as address, phone number, ownership data and more. This dataset also shows the total number of beds each long-term care hospital owns.
Long Term Care Hospital Provider Data
This dataset includes a list of long-term care hospitals with information such as address, phone number, data on the quality of patient care measures and more. This dataset also shows the corresponding scores against each of the measures for quality of patient care.
MHAC Hospital Performance By PPC FY2016
This dataset comprises Maryland Hospital Acquired Conditions (MHAC) program which was implemented in state fiscal year (FY) 2011 to link hospital payment with hospital performance using 3M’s Potentially Preventable Complication (PPC) classification system. PPCs are post-admission complications that may result from hospital care and treatment.
MHAC PPC Improvement by Hospital FY 2016
This dataset comprises Maryland Hospital Acquired Conditions (MHAC) program FY 2016, which was implemented in state fiscal year (FY) 2011 to link hospital payment with hospital performance using 3M’s Potentially Preventable Complication (PPC) classification system. PPCs are post-admission complications that may result from hospital care and treatment.
Nurse Prescribers in England
This dataset comprises of codes for Nurse Prescribers in England. It includes information about the name, address information and identifying codes for nurse prescribers working in England.
Patients Registered at GP Practice by Age Group and Gender
This dataset comprises the number of patients registered at each General Practioner (GP) Practice, in 5-year age bands and split by gender. It includes organization type and code, postcode, gender and the number of patients belonging to different age groups.
Pharmacy Headquarters in England
This dataset comprises of codes for Pharmacy Headquarters organizations (dispensary owners) in England. Each Pharmacy HQ (Headquarters) can be linked to many dispensaries. It includes information about organization and post codes, open and close date information and telephone number for several pharmacy HQ organizations in England.
Private Controlled Drug Prescribers in England
This dataset comprises of current Private Controlled Drug Prescribers (PCDP) in England. It includes name and address information and identifying codes for Drug Prescribers working in England.
US Hospital Medical Center Location
This dataset provides a list of hospitals that include medical centers in the USA with detailed geolocation identifiers, such as latitude and longitude of each hospital. The information about the location of hospitals was obtained by geocoding of addresses and then was corrected using satellite images. It includes only hospital facilities and does not include nursing homes. The dataset represents the location of hospitals for 50 states and Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and US territories.
Data Engineering Overview
We deliver high-quality data
- Each dataset goes through 3 levels of quality review
- 2 Manual reviews are done by domain experts
- Then, an automated set of 60+ validations enforces every datum matches metadata & defined constraints
- Data is normalized into one unified type system
- All dates, unites, codes, currencies look the same
- All null values are normalized to the same value
- All dataset and field names are SQL and Hive compliant
- Data and Metadata
- Data is available in both CSV and Apache Parquet format, optimized for high read performance on distributed Hadoop, Spark & MPP clusters
- Metadata is provided in the open Frictionless Data standard, and its every field is normalized & validated
- Data Updates
- Data updates support replace-on-update: outdated foreign keys are deprecated, not deleted
Our data is curated and enriched by domain experts
Each dataset is manually curated by our team of doctors, pharmacists, public health & medical billing experts:
- Field names, descriptions, and normalized values are chosen by people who actually understand their meaning
- Healthcare & life science experts add categories, search keywords, descriptions and more to each dataset
- Both manual and automated data enrichment supported for clinical codes, providers, drugs, and geo-locations
- The data is always kept up to date – even when the source requires manual effort to get updates
- Support for data subscribers is provided directly by the domain experts who curated the data sets
- Every data source’s license is manually verified to allow for royalty-free commercial use and redistribution.
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John Snow Labs , an AI and NLP for healthcare company, provides state-of-the-art software, models, and data to help healthcare and life science organizations build, deploy, and operate AI projects.
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AWS Data Exchange
Data dictionaries
A data dictionary is a visual representation of the contents of a data set. The data represented here is for evaluation purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual content of the product.
- ...
Field name | Description | Example | Data type | Primary key | Nullable | Max length | Data set | Table name | Table description |
Organization_Code | An eight digit alpha-numeric code that represents the organization. | - | string | - | false | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Name_of_Organization | Identifies the name of the organization. | - | string | - | false | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Address_Line1 | Main Address of the organization. | - | string | - | false | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Address_Line2 | Secondary address of the organization. | - | string | - | - | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Address_Line3 | Remaining part of the address where the organization is located. | - | string | - | - | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Address_Line4 | Remaining part of the address where the organization is located. | - | string | - | false | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Address_Line5 | Remaining part of the address where the organization is located. | - | string | - | false | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Zip_Code | The zip code of the organization. | - | string | - | false | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Open_Date | The opening date of the organization. | - | date | - | false | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes | |
Close_Date | The closing date of the organization. | - | date | - | - | - | Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | abeyance_and_dispersal_gp_codes |
Data sets (21)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
US Hospital Medical Center Location | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Private Controlled Drug Prescribers in England | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Pharmacy Headquarters in England | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Patients Registered at GP Practice by Age Group and Gender | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Nurse Prescribers in England | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
MHAC PPC Improvement by Hospital FY 2016 | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
MHAC Hospital Performance By PPC FY2016 | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Long Term Care Hospital Provider Data | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Long Term Care Hospital General Information | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospitals in England | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital General Information and Performance Measures Comparison | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program National | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
GP Practices Currently Followed and Prescribing Cost Centers | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
GP Practice Codes by Relevant Health Trusts in England and Wales | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
General Practitioners Codes by GP Practice | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
General Practitioner Branches in England | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
General Practitioner Branch Surgeries in England | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
General Medical Practitioners Currently Working in England and Wales | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Dispensaries in England | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Clinics in England | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | Included | US East (N. Virginia) |
Data dictionaries and samples
Sample data is for evaluation purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual content of the product.
Name | Resource | File type | File size | Description | ||
Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Data dictionary | Data dictionary | text/csv | - | |||
data_preview.csv | Sample | text/csv | Preview of Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes dataset | |||
Clinics in England | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Dispensaries in England | Data set | - | - | - | ||
GP Practice Codes by Relevant Health Trusts in England and Wales | Data set | - | - | - | ||
GP Practices Currently Followed and Prescribing Cost Centers | Data set | - | - | - | ||
General Medical Practitioners Currently Working in England and Wales | Data set | - | - | - | ||
General Practitioner Branch Surgeries in England | Data set | - | - | - | ||
General Practitioner Branches in England | Data set | - | - | - | ||
General Practitioners Codes by GP Practice | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program National | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospital General Information and Performance Measures Comparison | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospitals in England | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Long Term Care Hospital General Information | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Long Term Care Hospital Provider Data | Data set | - | - | - | ||
MHAC Hospital Performance By PPC FY2016 | Data set | - | - | - | ||
MHAC PPC Improvement by Hospital FY 2016 | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Nurse Prescribers in England | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Patients Registered at GP Practice by Age Group and Gender | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Pharmacy Headquarters in England | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Private Controlled Drug Prescribers in England | Data set | - | - | - | ||
US Hospital Medical Center Location | Data set | - | - | - |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
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