CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data for Dow Jones 30
Provided By: CSRHub

CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data for Dow Jones 30
Provided By: CSRHub
Trial of CSRHub #ESG data. Includes #Environment, #Social and #Governance (ESG) ratings for Dow Jones 30 components from 2013 to the present.
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Consensus ESG ratings are useful as part of integrating ESG into an investment process and for improving corporate sustainability performance. CSRHub ESG Data for Dow Jones 30 is an almost 10 year ESG ratings sample of the current DJ30. To learn about CSRHub ESG data products, or to discuss a tailored ESG solution please visit www.csrhub.com to request a consultation.
CSRHub aggregates data from >890 sources and produces 12 measures of #Environment, #Social, and #Governance (ESG) performance for 55,000 public, private, and not-for-profit entities across 134 industries and 157 countries. CSRHub #sustainability ratings, through direct and API integration, are updated monthly and go back to December 2008.
CSRHub #ESG data can also be supplied via a RESTful API that exposes 220 endpoints that include percentile ranks, relative rank by industry, industry group, country, and region, and that allows inspection of the data sources and data elements available for any covered company. The major ESG sources include S\&P Global, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), MSCI (ESG Intangible Value Assessment, ESG Impact Monitor, and ESG Carbon Metrics), Trucost ESG Analysis, Ideal Ratings, Arabesque S-Ray, Covalence, Urgentem and Vigeo EIRIS. Direct integration gives access to 35,000 entities. API integration allows access to 55,000 entities.
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AWS Data Exchange
Data dictionaries
A data dictionary is a visual representation of the contents of a data set. The data represented here is for evaluation purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual content of the product.
Field name | Description | Example | Data type | Primary key | Nullable | Max length | Data set | Table name | Table description |
Company_Name | Company Name. When there are several possible names, CSRHub tries to pick the one that is used most often by its sources. | Apple, Inc. | character varying | false | false | 200 | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
CSRHub_ID | CSRHub ID | A12345 | character varying | false | false | 15 | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
ISIN | International Securities Identification Number. Many companies are associated with more than one active ISIN. CSRHub attempts to use the number that is associated with the instrument that is most frequently traded or that is traded on the exchange in the country of a company's headquarter location. | GB00B6774699 | character varying | false | false | 20 | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
Ticker | The ticker symbol under which the company is traded in its home market. | APPL | character varying | false | false | 20 | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
Upgraded_FS | The two letter code for the exchange on which the company is traded | ONT | character varying | false | false | 15 | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
Rating_Date | The month for which the ratings in this file apply. Each month's ratings is driven by data contributed by sources from the previous 24 to 36 months. | 8/1/2018 | date | false | false | - | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
All_source_count | Number of sources available for this company over the life of the data set. For most companies, the number of sources used in the current ratings is much less than this number, because sources gradually disappear over time. | 15 | integer | false | false | - | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
Country | The country in which the company is headquartered or has the largest part of it operations. (Two letter code.) | US | character varying | false | false | 2 | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
State | The state in which a company has its headquarters or the largest part of its operations. | NY | character varying | false | false | 15 | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub | |
Sector | The primary sector in which the company operates | Technology | character varying | false | false | 50 | CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | csrhub |
Data sets (1)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | Included | US East (N. Virginia) |
Data dictionaries and samples
Sample data is for evaluation purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual content of the product.
Name | Resource | File type | File size | Description | ||
CSRHub ESG (Environment Social Governance) Data Trial for Redshift | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Data dictionary | Data dictionary | text/csv | - |
Usage information
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