All Companies with land or property in the UK (Sample)
Provided By: mnAi

All Companies with land or property in the UK (Sample)
Provided By: mnAi
This listing contains a record of all companies in the UK that own land and/or property.
Product offers
The following offers are available for this product. Choose an offer to view the pricing and access duration options for the offer. Select an offer and continue to subscribe. Your subscription begins on the date that your request is approved by the provider. Additional taxes or fees might apply.
Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$0 for 6 months
Main Overview
This mnAi data listing contains a record of all companies that wholly owns either land or property in the UK. This provides an indication of the companies that have performed well and have growing assets. The data points included in this file as standard are:
Company Name
Company Number
Company Address
Incorporation Date
Current Status
Additional data points, including, but not limited to:
Financial metrics such as balance sheet variables, profit and loss variables, secured debt data, credit score
Company Director Information such as contact details, Director Age, Director Gender, Director tenure,
Company Value data such as latest investments, shareholder details, valuation changes, capital rounds & values.
For specific requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss a custom data set.
Provided By
Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
Last 1 revision | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
mnAI Data Sample - Companies with land or property in the UK | Not included | EU (London) |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
Support information
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Refund policy
There are no refunds available for this product.
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