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In an era where data breaches are becoming all too common, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information has never been more crucial. IOanyT Innovations rises to this challenge by offering Amazon Macie Service on the AWS marketplace, a cutting-edge solution designed to safeguard your most valuable data assets.

Amazon Macie, with its robust machine learning algorithms, seamlessly identifies and classifies sensitive data such as PII, payment details, or intellectual property. By doing so, it offers organizations an unprecedented insight into their data access patterns and movement, allowing them to spot anomalies and potential breaches before they escalate.

AWS Services Associated: Amazon Macie: The primary service for data discovery, classification, and protection. Amazon S3: Where Macie primarily examines and monitors object-level operations for sensitive data. AWS CloudTrail: To get insights into API calls and data access patterns. Amazon CloudWatch: Optionally, for monitoring and alerting of Macie events.

With IOanyT Innovations' Macie Service, businesses not only gain a powerful tool in their cybersecurity arsenal but also the expertise and guidance of IOanyT's seasoned professionals, ensuring that their data remains secure, compliant, and under control.

Sold by IOanyT Innovations, Inc.
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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