Sold by: BizAnalytica
An easy, fast and affordable way to deliver mainframe data to the cloud, analyze it with AI/ML and analytics applications
Sold by: BizAnalytica
Mainframe data is inaccessible to large-scale AI/ML and analytics that run mainly in the cloud. ETL processes that move mainframe data to the cloud are slow. Mainframe data types are propriety and illegible to current applications. This impedes data-driven decision making and reduces the pace of cloud adoption. This service offering takes a copy of your mainframe data, converts it to open systems format, places it off the mainframe, into an S3 bucket, and integrates with your prefered data enviroment (Snowflake or Redshift), for use in reporting and analytics.
Benefits & Business Value:
- Improved data-driven decision making leading to business growth
- Lower operational, maintenance and infrastructure costs
- Shorter time to value, improved efficiency, reduced latency and better performance
- Streamlined business processes
- Better compliance and reduced risk
- Scalability and security
- Allows for an integrated data & analytics solution for improved decision making.
- Reduce MIPS consumption
- Powered by Model 9 - Gravity
Custom pricing options
Pricing is based on your specific requirements and eligibility. To get a custom quote for your needs, request a private offer.
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Vendor support
Support provided by BizAnalytica, as part of Service Delivery.