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Why Human-Centered Design? Businesses cannot survive in today's changing marketplace by continuing to focus on analytical modeling, strategy and organizational governance, or platform architecture and implementation without considering the needs of the most important humans - the users.

Human-Centered Design, with empathy gathering as its core component, is the key to future value creation. Fully observing and understanding the needs and behaviors of the people we serve helps ensure we are solving the right problems and creating new products and services that are relevant and valuable.

The human needs behind a project should influence decisions through the problem-solving process, so it's important for an entire project team to build empathy, not just the researchers. Empathy also applies to more than outside users and customers...when brought in-house, it brings internal teams together to improve effectiveness, understanding, and efficiency to reduce costs and time to market.

The Design Thinking Boot-camp is an intensive immersion into Design Thinking and Human-Centered Design processes. This virtual boot-camp is optimized for virtual teams and takes place in short video sessions over the course of six days. Immersive and experiential in nature, Vervint's coaches take participants through two complete project cycles using the Design Thinking process. The first cycle is a short and fast-paced introduction to the entire Design Thinking process. In the second cycle, participants work through a real-world design problem. We will work on a design problem that is outside of your company's specific day-to-day challenges so participants can focus on learning the process rather than getting lost in problem solving for their specific organization. The boot-camp is hands-on and uses an active learning approach so participants walk away with both theory and experience. At the end of boot-camp, participants take what they've learned and explore how they can bring it back to their own projects and teams.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand proven innovation and Design Thinking methods mindsets, processes and tools
  • Apply the process of Design Thinking to a real-world problem
  • Understand research methods to uncover true needs and empathy for customers
  • Learn rapid prototyping methods
  • Improve team collaboration and ideation
  • Discover new ways to bring the process back to your organization or team
  • All course materials and digital tools provided

The number of participants for this option can flex up to 25 participants. Starting at just $1,900* Per person.

*minimum 16 participants, smaller groups can be accommodated, please contact Vervint for pricing

Sold by Vervint, LLC
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


Contact Vervint Directly 616-574-3500 or visit us at