NOAA Cloud Optimized Zarr Reference Files (Kerchunk)
Provided by: NOAA's National Ocean Service, the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) , part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
Provided by: NOAA's National Ocean Service, the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) , part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative

NOAA Cloud Optimized Zarr Reference Files (Kerchunk)
Provided by: NOAA's National Ocean Service, the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) , part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
Provided by: NOAA's National Ocean Service, the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) , part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
This product is part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative and contains data sets that are publicly available for anyone to access and use. No subscription is required. Unless specifically stated in the applicable data set documentation, data sets available through the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative are not provided and maintained by AWS.
This repository contains references to datasets published to the NOAA Open Data Dissemination Program. These reference datasets serve as index files to the original data by mapping to the Zarr V2 specification . When multidimensional model output is read through zarr, data can be lazily loaded (i.e. retrieving only the data chunks needed for processing) and data reads can be scaled horizontally to optimize object storage read performance.
The process used to optimize the data is called kerchunk . RPS runs the workflow in their AWS cloud environment every time a new data notification is received from a relevant source data bucket.
These are the current datasets being cloud-optimized. Refer to those pages for file naming conventions and other information regarding the specific model implementations:
NOAA Operational Forecast System (OFS)
NOAA Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (Global RTOFS)
NOAA National Water Model Short-Range Forecast
Filenames follow the source dataset’s conventions. For example, if the source file is
Then the cloud-optimized filename is the same, with “.zarr” appended
Data Aggregations
We also produce virtual aggregations to group an entire forecast model run, and the “best” available forecast.
Best Forecast (continuously updated) - nos.dbofs.fields.best.nc.zarr
Full Model Run - nos.dbofs.fields.forecast.[YYYYMMDD].t[CC]z.nc.zarr
- CC is the model run cycles, 00, 06, 12, 18 , or 03, 09, 15, 21 for nowcast and forecast runs
- YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day Cloud optimization workflows supported by RPS Group , a Tetra Tech Company
NOAA data disseminated through NODD is made available under the [Creative Commons 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0-1.0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/?ref=chooser-v1\ ), which is well-known and internationally recognized. There are no restrictions on the use of the data. The data are open to the public and can be used as desired. NOAA has adopted the Creative Commons license to ensure maximum use of our data, to spur and encourage exploration and innovation throughout the industry. This license is applicable to each of the NOAA datasets made available by NODD. NOAA requests attribution for the use or dissemination of unaltered NOAA data. However, it is not permissible to state or imply endorsement by or affiliation with NOAA. If you modify NOAA data, you may not state or imply that it is original, unaltered NOAA data.
Refer to source datasets documentation
How to cite
NOAA Cloud Optimized Zarr Reference Files (Kerchunk) was accessed on DATE
from https://registry.opendata.aws/noaa-nodd-kerchunk .
Update frequency
Optimizations run every time new data is uploaded to the source buckets and are available here within minutes.
Support information
Contact: For questions regarding data content or quality, visit Email The Tetra Tech Team. For any questions regarding data delivery or any general questions regarding the NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD) Program, email the NODD Team at nodd@noaa.gov. We also seek to identify case studies on how NOAA data is being used and will be featuring those stories in joint publications and in upcoming events. If you are interested in seeing your story highlighted, please share it with the NODD team by emailing nodd@noaa.gov
General AWS Data Exchange support
Resources on AWS
Cloud-optimized Zarr Reference Files
Resource type
S3 Bucket
Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
AWS Region
AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://noaa-nodd-kerchunk-pds/
New data notifications for Cloud-optimized Zarr Reference Files
Resource type
SNS Topic
Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
AWS Region