Executives do need tangible information - [cloud business case] for a go / no-go decision for the migration to the [AWS] cloud. Due to the different underlying cost - models, a 1:1 comparison of on-prem [capex] vs. cloud [opex - pay per use] is mission impossible.
The OLA is a tool-based assessment for the inventory of IT infrastructure, performance and related licensing. Various tools used = Migration Evaluator [AWS-tool], AWS Storage Assessment, Cloudamize .... The analysis checks covers the actual utilization, storage usage, and traffic in the operation, as well as the Microsoft licensing positions.
- Executive managers have tangible information for the AWS cloud migration in hand incl. a sustainability analysis to show carbon emissions reductions by migrating to AWS.
- Figures are the basis for supplementing AWS funding programs [MAP - Migration Acceleration Program].
- Rightsizing - Once analysed, the required IT resources will be automatically adjusted to the actual demand.
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adesso SE Adessoplatz 1 44269 Dortmund