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Offering Overview

Cut through the hype and deliver value from AI, fast. Identify impactful use cases and deliver a high value working proof of concept for GenAI on Amazon Bedrock in as little as 4 weeks.

Working with business and technical stakeholders, Zühlke will take the following tried-and-tested approach. This has so far resulted in 15 successful GenAI PoCs delivered across a broad variety of industries, leading to 3 MVP projects in production.

This service consists of:

Discovery Workshop – 1 day Leveraging our experience in retail and consumer brands, explore the possibilities and determine where GenAI can have the highest impact for your unique business. Select the highest value, feasible and desirable PoC Use Case for delivery – for example in product content generation, market research synthesis, or contact centre support.

Proof of Concept – 4 to 8 weeks

  • Deliver an early demo for your use case to test feasibility for feedback from internal users
  • Iterate at speed to deliver a working Proof of Concept to test and validate with end users
  • Develop a prioritized and costed backlog for an MVP
  • Assess data quality, availability, data pipelines, security and data privacy requirements
  • Reprioritize Use Case backlog for a forecasted roadmap of work to get to impact quickly

Expected Outcomes:

  • Proof of Value for GenAI to test with internal stakeholders and customers
  • Reduced wasted investment on unvalidated use cases
  • A clear, costed roadmap to an MVP and production
  • Roadmap of prioritized future Use Cases and Applications
Sold by Zuehlke Engineering AG
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


Zuhlke will help you explore how to use Amazon Bedrock to create value for your company. Our team will support you in planning the workshops, identifying workshop participants in your company and delivering the PoC. Please reach out to Zuhlke for support by going to our Contact Us page and your query will be routed to the correct person.