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AWS-Nuke Helm Chart by Matoffo

AWS-Nuke Helm Chart by Matoffo

By: MATOFFO Latest Version: matoffo-nuke

Product Overview

Here are some key features and use cases for AWS-nuke:

Resource Cleanup: AWS-nuke enables you to delete various types of AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, RDS databases, IAM users, and more.

Automation: You can define a configuration file that lists the resources you want to delete. AWS-nuke will then automate the cleanup process based on your configuration.

Selective Deletion: The tool allows you to specify which AWS regions and accounts you want to clean up, providing flexibility in managing resources across different environments.

Dry Run Mode: AWS-nuke offers a dry run mode that allows you to preview the resources that would be deleted without actually performing the deletion. This can help you verify the cleanup process before taking action.

Custom Resource Types: You can extend AWS-nuke to support additional AWS resource types, providing flexibility for deleting custom resources.

Safety Measures: While AWS-nuke is a powerful tool for resource cleanup, it includes safeguards to prevent accidental deletion of critical resources. You can configure the tool to skip specific resources or resource types.

Auditing and Compliance: AWS-nuke can be used for auditing and compliance purposes, ensuring that resources are properly decommissioned and sensitive data is removed as necessary.

Cost Reduction: By cleaning up and removing unnecessary AWS resources, you can reduce your AWS costs, especially in cases where resources are no longer in use.

It's important to note that AWS-nuke should be used with caution, as it has the potential to delete resources irreversibly. It's recommended to thoroughly review your configuration and conduct dry runs to ensure that the correct resources are targeted for deletion. Additionally, AWS-nuke may require appropriate permissions in your AWS environment to delete resources, so be sure to configure IAM roles and permissions accordingly. Always exercise caution when using any tool that can delete AWS resources, and consider backup or rollback procedures as a safety net.





Operating System


Delivery Methods

  • Helm chart

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