Voice Commands in Mexican Spanish (Adults)
Provided By: Globalme Localization Inc

Voice Commands in Mexican Spanish (Adults)
Provided By: Globalme Localization Inc
This data set contains recordings of voice commands without a wake word in Mexican Spanish (es_MX) of 106 participants of age 16-65 (e.g., "Oye Alexa, cuéntame un chiste.").
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$4,876 for 3 months
Mexican Spanish Voice Commands
106 speakers, es_MX, age 15+
This data set contains recordings of voice commands without a wake word in Mexican Spanish (es_MX) of 106 participants of age 16-65 (e.g., "Oye Alexa, cuéntame un chiste.").
The participants recorded their voices remotely using our in-house platform solution. Each participant has recorded on average 69 utterances (minimum 50, maximum 75).
This data set contains the voice command only. The data set of wake words is available in a separate data package. You can access a sample of the wake word and voice command data set here . Recordings are grouped by participant IDs and can be mapped to the phrase text. The data set comes with a complete phrase list and speaker metadata (see below).
Please contact us in case you have any questions about the data set.
Our Data - Ready for People
Each individual data set has undergone a thorough QA process. Prior to uploading the data sets, data integrity and completeness has been verified. It is our goal to provide high-quality, ready-to-use products to our clients.
Audio metadata:
- Audio format: Wave
- Encoding: pcm_s16le
- Sampling rate: 44.1 kHz
- Bit depth: 16 bits
- Bit rate: 706 kb/s (constant)
- Channels: 1
For each recording, the following speaker metadata is provided:
- Childhood Location
- Participant Gender
- Record Location
- Participant Age
- Dialect
- Nationality
Key Demographic Information
- Age: 16-65 years, on average 33 years old, at the median 30 years old
- Gender: 48.1 % Female, 50.0 % Male
- Dialects covered: 'Centro', 'Baja California', 'Norte', 'Costa', 'Sur'
About us
Globalme is a language technologies company with headquarters in Vancouver, BC Canada. Our mission is simple: we ensure your products and services are Ready for People by helping train and test the latest AI technologies.
If you want to learn more about Globalme and our services, please visit our homepage .
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Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Contains sensitive information
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
Mexican Spanish Voice Commands | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
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