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    CloudArmee WAR & Best Practices Review

    Sold by: CloudArmee 
    CloudArmee is an Advanced Partner, evaluated and recognized by AWS to conduct Well-Architected Reviews. CloudArmee cloud experts have designed a plethora of architectures that adhere to WAR recommendations. These experts review the customer's environment to ensure it adheres to WAR recommendations which makes them scalable, reliable, robust, and secure. Benefits of a Well-Architected Review are: • Optimise Workloads – identify opportunities to optimize and re-architect workloads to run more efficiently, reliably, and cost-effectively • Mitigate Risks – lower or mitigate risks through better understanding as you build or optimize your current architectures. • Accelerate & Invent – discover new services that help you build and deploy workloads and respond faster to opportunities to invent Security - Identify the areas that are vulnerable to attack and strengthen it.
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    CloudArmee WAR & Best Practices Review

    Sold by: CloudArmee 


    What do CloudArmee experts do? Dedicated Cloud expert reviews the environment along with customer. Elaborate the Well Architected Report. Recommendations to remediate High Risk Items. Time-slot to adjust, re-architect or resolve issues. Rerun Well-Architected Tool to ensure gaps have been filled. Submission of Well-Architected Review to AWS. Customer is eligible for AWS usage credits on your AWS account following successful remediation of issues by the CloudArmee.


    • AWS Focussed Team - CloudArmee predominantly works on AWS and has AWS experts that have built a good number of infra to deploy customer applications and managed 10000+ servers. With that expertise, CloudArmee will be able to identify the gaps in the infra precisely.
    • Complimentary security audit and vulnerability assessment scan using Nessus or AWS native tool.
    • Cost Optimisation recommendations and one-time support to implement the recommendations


    Delivery method


    Custom pricing options

    Pricing is based on your specific requirements and eligibility. To get a custom quote for your needs, request a private offer.


    Content disclaimer

    Vendors are responsible for their product descriptions and other product content. AWS does not warrant that vendors' product descriptions or other product content are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.


    Vendor resources


    Vendor support

    CloudArmee has round the clock support where customers can clarify their queries post WAR for a period of 1 month.

    For more information, Contact - Rajesh Marar  Yogananth