Indiana Statewide Elevation Catalog
Provided by: Indiana Geographic Information Office, part of the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program
Provided by: Indiana Geographic Information Office, part of the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program

Indiana Statewide Elevation Catalog
Provided by: Indiana Geographic Information Office, part of the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program
Provided by: Indiana Geographic Information Office, part of the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program
This product is part of the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program and contains data sets that are publicly available for anyone to access and use. No subscription is required. Unless specifically stated in the applicable data set documentation, data sets available through the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program are not provided and maintained by AWS.
The State of Indiana Geographic Information Office and IOT Office of Technology manage a series of digital LiDAR LAS files stored in AWS, dating back to the 2011-2013 collection and including the NRCS-funded 2016-2020 collection. These LiDAR datasets are available as uncompressed LAS files, for cloud storage and access. Each year's data is organized into a tile grid scheme covering the entire geography of Indiana, ensuring easy access and efficient processing. The tiles' naming reflects each tile's lower left coordinate, facilitating accurate data management and retrieval. The AWS storage solution ensures that these extensive datasets are readily accessible for analysis and application across various projects.
Access to Indiana Geographic Information Office Lidar is governed by Creative Commons 0 (CC0): https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
How to cite
Indiana Statewide Elevation Catalog was accessed on DATE
from https://registry.opendata.aws/in-elevation .
Update frequency
The State of Indiana has another four-year cycle of collecting orthoimagery and Lidar starting in 2025 and continuing through 2028. The collections are designated by counties in three groups that cover Indiana, South to North. These areas are frequently referred to as Tiers in the other documentation. For example, tier 1 (Central 3rd) extends from Harrison County in the South to Elkhart and St. Joseph County in the North, while Tier 2 consists of the counties to the eastern side of the State, and Tier 3 is those counties to the western side of the State.
Support information
Managed by: Indiana Geographic Information Office
Contact: sscholer@iot.in.gov
General AWS Data Exchange support
Resources on AWS
State of Indiana Elevation archive.
Resource type
S3 Bucket
Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
AWS Region
AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://giselevationingov/
Usage examples
- Recording of 2025 - 2028 Indiana Imagery and Elevation Program Presentation by Indiana Geographic Information Office (IGIO)
Tools & Applications
- ArcGIS Online Indiana Lidar Viewer by Indiana Geographic Information Office (IGIO)
- IGIO Elevation Opendata S3 Browser by Indiana Geographic Information Office (IGIO)