Germany Statistical Data for Municipalities SAMPLE
Provided By: Acxiom

Germany Statistical Data for Municipalities SAMPLE
Provided By: Acxiom
Plan and control your business strategies based on valid granular market data. This sociodemographic data on persons, households, income, buildings, cars, daytime population and segmentation data for all Germany, helps you to understand and selectively address markets. Based on official population data and provided on the level of the German municipalities (Gemeinden), it allows you to understand consumers and to optimize your offers to them.
Product offers
The following offers are available for this product. Choose an offer to view the pricing and access duration options for the offer. Select an offer and continue to subscribe. Your subscription begins on the date that you accept the offer. Additional taxes or fees might apply.
Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$0 for 1 month
This data package provides information that is relevant for a wide scope of behavior. It helps you to understand market potentials and to manage site locations as well as to target marketing activities. This very precise data is derived from official statistics and includes
- Population by gender
- Population by 17 age brackets
- Population by marital status
- Population by education
- Extend of the area in km²
- Households in total
- Households by size
- Households by presence of children
- Households by social status
- Households by income brackets
- Total purchasing power within the area and purchasing power per person
- Acxiom Geospatial Targets (Consumer Segmentations including Personicx)
- Total number of buildings
- Buildings by living, commercial or mixed use
- Building by number of residential units
- Total number of cars
- Cars by private or commercial use
- Daytime population
- Classified frequency of passersby
Data is in accord with the very strict German privacy law. It is sourced from various sources like official population registers of cities, German car registration office, income statistics and extensive POI data. If you are looking for data that is customized to your use case or can be used for consulting or media planning purposes, please visit Acxiom or contact us.
Acxiom data for Germany:
- Ideal for neighborhood-level analysis and trending.
- Optimizes strategic planning of site location, sales expectation and conquering markets by providing you with reliable market potentials.
- Can be enhanced to client-, prospect- or other consumer-files and used to analyze client structure or find look-a-likes.
- Provides distributions of statistics that are important to understand markets and consumers and highly relevant for a wide range of behavior.
- Based on reliable official statistics.
- Easily integrates into most systems for mapping and analysis.
- Given the fact that population data is disaggregated from official statistics using valid granular data and proven multivariate procedures, they are reliable estimates of counts and in accordance with the strict German privacy law (GDPR). Being estimates, population related data contains decimals.
Geographic Level of Aggregation
Anonymous statistical data based on official sources is displayed at the level of of the German municipalities (Gemeinden). File contains data for 4 out of all 11,000 plus German municipalities with an average of about 7,5000 persons. Via the municipality assignment, it is easy to include your own data on that level into the analysis and to make results operationable.
The Geo data include the following fields:
- code for municipality
- name of municipality
- Total population (counts)
- Male population (counts)
- Female population (counts)
- Population 0 to under 3 years (counts)
- Population 3 to under 6 years (counts)
- Population 6 to under 10 years (counts)
- Population 10 to under 15 years (counts)
- Population 15 to under 18 years (counts)
- Population 18 to under 20 years (counts)
- Population 20 to under 25 years (counts)
- Population 25 to under 30 years (counts)
- Population 30 to under 35 years (counts)
- Population 35 to under 40 years(counts)
- Population 40 to under 45 years (counts)
- Population 45 to under 50 years (counts)
- Population 50 to under 55 years (counts)
- Population 55 to under 60 years (counts)
- Population 60 to under 65 years (counts)
- Population 65 to under 75 years (counts)
- Population 75 years and older (counts)
- Percentage of children compared to Germany (index)
- Population 0 to under 18 years (counts)
- Population 18 years and older (counts)
- Population single (counts)
- Population unmarried partnership (counts)
- Population married partnership (counts)
- Population married but separated (counts)
- Population divorced (counts)
- Population widowed (counts)
- Population with basic school (Hauptschule) certificate (percentage)
- Population with secondary school (Realschule) certificate (percentage)
- Population with high school certificate (Abitur) (percentage)
- Population with basic / secondary school certificate (percentage)
- Population with vocational / technical college degree (percentage)
- Population with college / university degree (percentage)
- Area extension in km²
- Households in total (counts)
- Households with 1 person (counts)
- Households with 2 or more person (counts)
- Households with children (counts)
- Households without children (counts)
- Households in social status class very low (counts)
- Households in social status class low (counts)
- Households in social status class rather low (counts)
- Households in social status class intermediate (counts)
- Households in social status class rather high (counts)
- Households in social status class high (counts)
- Households in social status class very high (counts)
- Households with monthly net income below 900€ (counts)
- Households with monthly net income 900€ to less than 1300€ (counts)
- Households with monthly net income 1300€ to less than 1500€ (counts)
- Households with monthly net income 1500€ to less than 2000€ (counts)
- Households with monthly net income 2000€ to less than 2600€ (counts)
- Households with monthly net income 2600€ to less than 3600€ (counts)
- Households with monthly net income 3600€ to less than 5000€ (counts)
- Households with monthly net income 5000€ and more (counts)
- Total purchasing power within the area in €
- Purchasing power in € in permille
- Total purchasing power in 1000000€
- Purchasing power per person in €
- Index purchasing power per person (index)
- Index purchasing power per person in relation to old / new federal states (index)
- Old / new federal states (classification)
- Regiotype (classification)
- Regiotype Residential Structure (classification)
- Regiotype Central Function of City (classification)
- Rich commuter belts (classification)
- Recreational regions (classification)
- GeoCluster Consumer Segmentation (classification)
- Persons with Personicx (aged 14 years and more an speaking German) (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Young & Career Entry"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Midlife Single & well situated"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Single Parent & Low Status"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Young & in Education"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Childless & Active"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM Zielgruppensegment ""Midlife single & standard lifestyle"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Family & Small Budget"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM Zielgruppensegment ""Midlife plus & top situated"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Young Family & Middle Class"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM Zielgruppensegment ""Adult family & established "" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM Zielgruppensegment ""Midlife plus & Consumption"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Young seniors & standard lifestyle"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Sunset years & standard lifestyle"" (counts)
- Persons in PersonicxTM target group segment ""Golden retirement & active"" (counts)
- Total number of buildings (counts)
- Buildings with private use (counts)
- Buildings with commercial use (counts)
- Buildings with mixed use (counts)
- Buildings with 0 residential units (counts)
- Buildings with 1 or 2 residential units (counts)
- Buildings with 3 or 4 residential units (counts)
- Buildings with 5 to 11 residential units (counts)
- Buildings with 12 to 20 residential units (counts)
- Buildings with 21 or more residential units (counts)
- Cars in total (counts)
- Cars with private use (counts)
- Cars with commercial use (counts)
- Total daytime population (counts)
- Daytime population at place of work (counts)
- Daytime population at place of residence (counts)
- Classified frequency of passersby (classification)
- Timestamp for basic population data on level of statistical areas (date)
- Source for basic population data on level of statistical areas (classification)
Update Frequency
Data refreshments are available on an annual basis and not included in this offer. If you are interested in automatic updates, please visit Acxiom or contact us. The data is licensed for one month starting with the approval of the data request. It must be deleted after that period.
Permitted Uses
- Test use only.
- Sample data may not be shared with a third party.
- Sample data may not be used in production environment.
- Received or enriched data by Acxiom may only be used for marketing purposes under the existing legislation.
About the Data Vendor
Acxiom provides the data and technology foundation for the world’s best marketers. We enable people-based marketing everywhere through a simple, open approach to connecting systems and data that drives seamless customer experiences and higher ROI. A leader in identity and ethical data use with over 55 years of experience, Acxiom helps thousands of clients and partners around the globe work together to create a world where all marketing is relevant. Leading companies, agencies and partners use and trust Acxiom data products to get usable insights, intelligent marketing campaigns and successful business outcomes. The data being provided is in compliance with the highest standards of consumer respect and privacy in the market, anonymized and cannot be used to re-identify individuals. For more information on this, or other Acxiom data products for the German market, please visit Acxiom or contact us.
Article No. DEGS080001S
Provided By
Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
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Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
DEGS080001SK1_StatisticalDataPackage | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
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