Diagnosis Related Groups and Classifications
Provided By: John Snow Labs

Diagnosis Related Groups and Classifications
Provided By: John Snow Labs
This data package includes information regarding All Patients Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR DRG) weights for average length and capital ratios for acute care hospitals. It comprises of dataset about DRGs by procedures, hospital-acquired conditions and major diagnostic categories as well as Medicare severity, payments, average and operating ratios and percentile lengths. It also contains information about the wage index table by Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) for the fiscal year 2017.
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This data package contains the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) patient classification system that provides a means of relating the type of patients a hospital treats to the costs incurred by the hospital. Capital Ratios for Acute Care Hospitals are used to determine whether a case qualifies for outlier payments under the hospital inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS), hospital-specific cost-to-charge ratios are applied to the total covered charges for the case. Operating and capital costs for the case are calculated separately by applying separate operating and capital cost-to-charge ratios and combining these costs to compare them with the fixed-loss outlier threshold.
Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CMS Certification Number (CCN) Correction Notice dataset contains the correction notice of Wage Index Final Rule Table 2. Table lists each Lugar hospital that is located in a county that qualifies for an outmigration adjustment; the 3-year period for which the hospital is eligible for the outmigration adjustment; and whether or not the hospital accepted the outmigration adjustment in lieu of its urban status for each year of its 3-year eligibility. A Diagnosis-Related Group dataset contains a list of Medicare Severity (MS) DRG with a specification of the Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) and whether the MS-DRG is medical or surgical. Some MS-DRGs which contain patients from multiple MDCs do not have an MDC specified. Diagnosis-Related Group is a statistical system of classifying any inpatient stay into groups for the purposes of payment.
The Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HACs) are conditions that occur after the physician writes the inpatient admission order and that could have been reasonably prevented through the application of evidence-based guidelines and best practices. The dataset Major Diagnostic Categories contains all 25 MDCs along with the DRGs assigned to each MDC. The data is organized by MDC with a list of the surgical classes associated with that MDC listed in hierarchical order as well as the MS-DRGs that are included in each surgical class. This dataset contains the final rule/correction notice cost thresholds by Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) for the cost criteria for new technology add on payment applications for FY 2018.
The dataset Operating Ratios for Acute Care Hospitals contains the Fiscal Year 2017 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) operating and capital statewide average cost-to-charge-ratios. The empty values mean that all counties in the State or Territory are classified as urban. This dataset Percentile Lengths of Hospital Stay consists of a table containing Medicare Prospective Payment System Selected Percentile Lengths of Stay for FY 2015. The dataset Statewide Average Ratios contains the Fiscal Year 2017 IPPS operating and capital statewide average cost-to-charge ratios. It also includes States with no data from hospitals paid under the IPPS where the national average IPPS total rural CCR for the rural statewide average is used for these areas.
License Information
The use of John Snow Labs datasets is free for personal and research purposes. For commercial use please subscribe to the Data Library on AWS. The subscription will allow you to use all John Snow Labs datasets and data packages for commercial purposes.
Description | Value |
Data Package Complexity | Medium |
Available Enrichments | N/A |
Keywords | APR-DRG Grouper version 33, APR DRG Codes, All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group, Acute Care Payment Methodology, Service Intensity Weights, Average Length of Stay, Hospital Inpatient Reimbursement, Major Diagnostic Categories, Medicare Payment Adjustments; Acute Care Hospitals |
Other Titles | Drug-Related Groups, Long Term Acute Care Hospital, Diagnosis Group According to Procedure, Diagnosis Group Assigned to Hospital Acquired Conditions, Hospitals With Medicare Discharges And Their Potential |
Included Datasets
APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay
This dataset is the version 33 of APR-DRG Weights (All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group) and ALOS (Average Length of Stay) for acute care services. The APR-DRG weights effective January 1, 2017 will not be updated. For discharges beginning on or after January 1, 2018, the SIWs (Service Intensity Weights), cost thresholds and ALOS effective July 1, 2014 will be used for payment purposes with the updated APR-DRG grouper version 33, which is available in this dataset.
Capital Ratios For Acute Care Hospitals
This dataset is used to determine whether a case qualifies for outlier payments under the hospital inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS), hospital-specific cost-to-charge ratios are applied to the total covered charges for the case. Operating and capital costs for the case are calculated separately by applying separate operating and capital cost-to-charge ratios and combining these costs to compare them with the fixed-loss outlier threshold.
Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CCN Correction Notice
This dataset contains the correction notice of Wage Index Final Rule. It lists each Lugar hospital (deemed urban under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act) that is located in a county that qualifies for an outmigration adjustment; the 3-year period for which the hospital is eligible for the outmigration adjustment; and whether or not the hospital accepted the outmigration adjustment in lieu of its urban status for each year of its 3-year eligibility.
Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CCN Final Rule
This dataset contains the non-transfer adjusted Case Mix Index (CMI) based on the Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRGs) billed on the claim in the year the claim was incurred.
Diagnosis Related Groups According to Procedure
This dataset contains a list of Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRGs) with a specification of the Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) and whether the MS-DRG is medical or surgical. Some MS-DRGs which contain patients from multiple MDCs (e.g., 014 Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant) do not have an MDC specified.
Diagnosis Related Groups Assigned to Hospital Acquired Conditions
The following dataset consists of Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HACs) which are conditions that occur after the physician writes the inpatient admission order and that could have been reasonably prevented through the application of evidence-based guidelines and best practices.
Diagnosis Related Groups Assigned to Major Diagnostic Categories
This dataset contains all 25 MDCs (Major Diagnostic Categories), along with the DRGs assigned to each MDC. The data is organized by MDC with a list of the surgical classes associated with that MDC listed in hierarchical order as well as the MS-DRGs that are included in each surgical class.
Hospitals With Fewer Than 1600 Medicare Discharges And Potential
This dataset was taken from the United States Food and Drugs Association (US FDA).The datset is a list of Hospitals with Fewer than 1,600 Medicare Discharges Based on the December 2017 Update of the FY 2016 MedPAR File and Potentially Eligible Hospitals’ FY 2018 Low-Volume Hospital Payment Adjustment. Eligibility for the low-volume hospital payment adjustment is also dependent upon meeting the mileage criteria specified at 412.101(b)(2)(ii) of the regulations.
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups MSDRG Correction Notice
This dataset file includes the list of Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Groups (MS-DRGS) Relative Weighting Factors, and Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length of Stay Correction Notice.
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups MSDRG Final Rule
This dataset file includes the list of Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Groups (MSDRG) Relative Weighting Factors, and Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length of Stay Final Rule.
Medicare Uncompensated Care Payment Final Rule
This dataset shows section 3133 of the Affordable Care Act as it amends the Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) adjustment provision under section 1886(d) (5) (F) of the Act, and establishes 1886(r) which provides for an additional payment for a hospital’s uncompensated care. As proposed in the FY 2014 IPPS proposed rule, the regulations that implement this provision are in proposed subpart I of 42 CFR part §412.106.
New Technology Add On Payments Thresholds Final Rule
This dataset contains the final rule/correction notice cost thresholds by Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) for the cost criteria for new technology add on payment applications for applications for FY 2018.
Operating Ratios For Acute Care Hospitals
This dataset contains the Fiscal Year 2017 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) operating and capital statewide average cost-to-charge-ratios. The empty values mean that all counties in the State or Territory are classified as urban.
Percentile Lengths of Hospital Stay for MSDRG
This dataset consists of a table containing Medicare Prospective Payment System Selected Percentile Lengths of Stay for the fiscal year 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020.
Statewide Average Ratios
This dataset contains the Fiscal Year 2017 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) operating and capital statewide average cost-to-charge-ratios. The empty values mean that all counties in the State or Territory are classified as urban. It also includes States with no data from hospitals paid under the IPPS where the national average IPPS total rural CCR for the rural statewide average are used for these areas.
Wage Index Table By CBSA Correction Notice
This dataset contains the correction notice for Wage Index. The dataset lists each Lugar hospital (deemed urban under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act) that is located in a county that qualifies for an outmigration adjustment; the 3-year period for which the hospital is eligible for the outmigration adjustment; and whether or not the hospital accepted the outmigration adjustment in lieu of its urban status for each year of its 3-year eligibility.
Wage Index Table By CBSA Final Rule
This dataset lists Final Rule Wage Index Table by Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs). The wage index reflects the geographic reclassification of hospitals to another labor market area in accordance with sections 1886(d)(8)(B) and 1886(d)(10) of the Act.
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- Field names, descriptions, and normalized values are chosen by people who actually understand their meaning
- Healthcare & life science experts add categories, search keywords, descriptions and more to each dataset
- Both manual and automated data enrichment supported for clinical codes, providers, drugs, and geo-locations
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John Snow Labs , an AI and NLP for healthcare company, provides state-of-the-art software, models, and data to help healthcare and life science organizations build, deploy, and operate AI projects.
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AWS Data Exchange
Data dictionaries
A data dictionary is a visual representation of the contents of a data set. The data represented here is for evaluation purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual content of the product.
- ...
Field name | Description | Example | Data type | Primary key | Nullable | Max length | Data set | Table name | Table description |
APR_DRG_Code | APR-DRG (All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group) code | - | string | - | false | - | APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay | apr_drg_service_intensity_weights_and_average_length_of_stay | |
Severity_of_Illness | Severity of illness relates to the extent of physiologic decompensation or organ system loss of function experienced by the patient. The four severity of illness subclasses are numbered sequentially from 1 to 4 indicating respectively, minor, moderate, major or extreme severity of illness. | - | integer | - | false | - | APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay | apr_drg_service_intensity_weights_and_average_length_of_stay | |
APR_DRG_Description | Description of APR-DRG | - | string | - | false | - | APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay | apr_drg_service_intensity_weights_and_average_length_of_stay | |
Service_Intensity_Weights | Service Intensiy Weights | - | numeric | - | - | - | APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay | apr_drg_service_intensity_weights_and_average_length_of_stay | |
Average_Length_of_Stay | Average length of hospital stay | - | integer | - | - | - | APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay | apr_drg_service_intensity_weights_and_average_length_of_stay | |
Cost_Outlier_Threshold_In_Dollars | Cost outlier threshold (in dollars) | - | numeric | - | - | - | APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay | apr_drg_service_intensity_weights_and_average_length_of_stay | |
State | Acute Care State | Alabama | string | - | - | - | Capital Ratios For Acute Care Hospitals | capital_ratios_for_acute_care_hospitals | |
Ratio | Ratios for Acute Care Hospitals | 0.01 | numeric | - | - | - | Capital Ratios For Acute Care Hospitals | capital_ratios_for_acute_care_hospitals | |
CMS_Certification_Number | CMS Certification Number | - | string | - | - | - | Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CCN Correction Notice | case_mix_index_and_wage_index_table_by_ccn_correction_notice | |
Indexes_For_Discharges_Occurring_In_Federal_Fiscal_Year_2018 | Case-Mix Indexes for Discharges Occurring in Federal Fiscal Year 2018 | - | numeric | - | - | - | Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CCN Correction Notice | case_mix_index_and_wage_index_table_by_ccn_correction_notice |
Data sets (17)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
Wage Index Table By CBSA Final Rule | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Wage Index Table By CBSA Correction Notice | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Statewide Average Ratios | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Percentile Lengths of Hospital Stay for MSDRG | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Operating Ratios For Acute Care Hospitals | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
New Technology Add On Payments Thresholds Final Rule | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Medicare Uncompensated Care Payment Final Rule | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups MSDRG Final Rule | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups MSDRG Correction Notice | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Hospitals With Fewer Than 1600 Medicare Discharges And Potential | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Diagnosis Related Groups Assigned to Major Diagnostic Categories | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Diagnosis Related Groups Assigned to Hospital Acquired Conditions | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Diagnosis Related Groups According to Procedure | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CCN Final Rule | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CCN Correction Notice | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
Capital Ratios For Acute Care Hospitals | Included | US East (N. Virginia) | |
APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay | Included | US East (N. Virginia) |
Data dictionaries and samples
Sample data is for evaluation purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual content of the product.
Name | Resource | File type | File size | Description | ||
APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Data dictionary | Data dictionary | text/csv | - | |||
data_preview.csv | Sample | text/csv | Preview of APR-DRG Service Intensity Weights and Average Length of Stay dataset | |||
Capital Ratios For Acute Care Hospitals | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CCN Correction Notice | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Case Mix Index And Wage Index Table By CCN Final Rule | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Diagnosis Related Groups According to Procedure | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Diagnosis Related Groups Assigned to Hospital Acquired Conditions | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Diagnosis Related Groups Assigned to Major Diagnostic Categories | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Hospitals With Fewer Than 1600 Medicare Discharges And Potential | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups MSDRG Correction Notice | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups MSDRG Final Rule | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Medicare Uncompensated Care Payment Final Rule | Data set | - | - | - | ||
New Technology Add On Payments Thresholds Final Rule | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Operating Ratios For Acute Care Hospitals | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Percentile Lengths of Hospital Stay for MSDRG | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Statewide Average Ratios | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Wage Index Table By CBSA Correction Notice | Data set | - | - | - | ||
Wage Index Table By CBSA Final Rule | Data set | - | - | - |
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