Population by County (Census Bureau) ACS 2014-2018
Provided By: Enigma

Population by County (Census Bureau) ACS 2014-2018
Provided By: Enigma
Population estimates for every county in the US sourced from the American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 (Census Bureau), Table B01003 - Total Population. Enigma used GEOID provided by the Census Bureau to add State FIPS, State name and County FIPS, to help with analysis and joining to other datasets.
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Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Supported
$0 for 12 months
Product Description
Population estimates for every county in the US sourced from the American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 (Census Bureau), Table B01003 - Total Population. Enigma used GEOID provided by the Census Bureau to add State FIPS, State name and County FIPS, to help with analysis and joining to other datasets.
Key Fields
- Name - Name of the county with two-letter state code (Census Bureau format)
- Population
- State
- State name
- County FIPS
- County name - Name of the county with state name in full
Additional information: https://www.census.gov/
- Data can be joined with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Johns Hopkins using County FIPS to understand the number of reported cases in relation a county's population.
- Population data can be combined with economic data by geography to analyze and respond to unprecedented unemployment figures.
- Data can be used to direct resources and adapt supply chains.
Update Frequency
One-time. This data was acquired on April 1, 2020.
Public Source
For questions, feedback, or requests please contact Enigma Public support at enigma-public@enigma.com.
About Enigma
Enigma is a data and technology company transforming how real-world data on companies, people, and places is accessed and applied in business-to-business workflows, via APIs built on a vast collection of public and proprietary data. Learn more at enigma.com .
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Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (1)
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Revision access rules
All historical revisions | All future revisions
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
Population by County (Census Bureau) ACS 2014-2018 | Not included | US East (N. Virginia) |
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By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
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