WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic
Bitnami by VMware | 6.7.2-0-r06 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Works as promised
Works as advertised. Tried a couple of others and didn't work well with the template I was implementing. Was able to get this running in a few minutes.
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Installing WP is a breeze with Bitnami
Created Bitnami account and added AWS credentials. Installed in a few simple steps. Could not be easier. Recommend heartily. Check it out for yourself.
works great!
With a micro tier definitely use it with a SSD. I tried it with a magnetic drive and it's really slow.
The default password doesn't work
I installed the Wordpress for Bitnami instance and followed all instructions. Just one problem - I can't login to the wordpress application. Everything I've tried has failed. The 'user' + the password from the System log just isn't right for some reason...
Reasonably easy to implement
I will start by stating that I am a self taught coder, and only have moderate technical skills. I was able to get an EC2 instance up and running with the Bitnami Wordpress image in just a few minutes, and had my website ported over in a few hours. It was relatively easy with few issues. My only suggestion is that Bitnami make follow up directions for standard setup issues more readily available. For example, I did have to do a fair amount of searching to learn how to change the default URL.
works as promised
needed to stand up wordpress to test some themes and UI - the bitnami AMI was quick to setup - works straight of the box, great AMI to start with
Using this image reduced a day's-goal to 10 minutes.
No matter how confident you are using linux and setting up http, mysql, wordpress and dealing with permissions why not just let someone else jump through all of those hoops for you? Using this got me from zero to fully-functional in ten minutes instead of spending a whole day on it.
Dropped in and working
Works as advertised. Tried a couple of others and didnt work well with the template I was implementing. Was able to get this running in a few minutes.
I been following Bitnami's AMI and i am pleased to say!!! That its the best all in one Image to get your WordPress up and running without any drama. Thanks to Bitnami my site http://www.spazlport.com finally can run in true clouds.
about the best you'll find
This is probably the best "click and go" version of wordpress on ubuntu i could find. I did have trouble getting my domain name server setup with this. If you use the default ec2 (its a very long url in this case) then everything works just fine.
Being new to wordpress i gave up trying to change this and started up a LAMP setup on another instance.
The documentaion is fairly good but not nearly complete enough for EC2 instances. It seemed geared more towards generic ubuntu installs, meaning you already have ubuntu running on your own, ya click the link, download the 'bitnami wordpress for ubuntu' package and run their setup scripts. Some people have posted 'soup to nuts' installs using this setup but it would be nice to see somethign from bitnami. The EC2 specifics were more related to getting the ssh pubkey setup.
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