Bitnami package for MEAN
Bitnami by VMware | 7.0.17-0-r01 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
MEAN.JS on Ubuntu is the way to go.
After trying the AMAZON LINUX version i had to go back to this server AMI. Much faster, support for all the best tools from the Ubuntu release, and the software is rock solid. I had to upgrade the LOOPBACK and node versions to my specific needs but all the tools were there and the directory folder for the NODE MEAN side was simple and easy to understand.
Also mounting a volume was piece of cake.
Thanks BITNAMI another great image ... AGAIN :-)
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It seems like Bitnami always does a good job, the MEAN stack is no different. Easy to use, just amazing.
If you're wanting to get up and running quickly with MEAN this is most likely the best option. 64bit and available for T2 if you're starting small. Great foundation and perfect to customise if you need to extend the stack.
Perfect compilation of everything
All the key components very nicely put together. No surprises, no problems, just plug and play. All that for free.
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