Bitnami package for Dolibarr
Bitnami by VMware | 20.0.4-0-r02 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Great ERP
At least for me, Dolibarr it's the best ERP option and most complete compared to it's competitors. If you hire them trough Dolicloud the price is amazing, around 10 Euros a month and you get all functionalities (for one user). If you want to compare it to Odoo Enterprise you would have to 5 times the money acquiring all modules to have same functionalities as Dolibarr. The downside to Dolibarr is that it might be a little overwhelming to some people and might take some time to fully understand the options avaliable and where they are located. The second downside, at least for my company, is that there should be an option or filter to let you choose different document types, or at least a way to configure it easily. In our country there are different legal "invoices" such as tax exempt invoices, honorary fees, and a few more. This is important since sometimes you want them to organize or look for them by type and also because ther ID number it's not unique. What I mean is that "Invoice" number from a company might repeat "Exempt Invoice" number from the same company because the numbers are not related to each other, therefore different document types are needed. Besides that, this ERP is great for micro and small bussinesses it has more than you need, and it's also modular (you select which module to use).
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