Debian GNU/Linux 8 (Jessie)
Debian | 8.7Linux/Unix, Debian 8.6+1 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Сant upgrade to 2018 instance series(m5, m5n)
Using this debain from 2017, cant upgrade too from m4.2xlarge to m5.2xlarge :(
Please fix it. Thanks.
It works., good product.
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Be detailed and specific. What would you have wanted to know before you purchased the product?
Not too short and not too long. Aim for between 75 and 300 words.
I just create the VPS for my experience. I will study with this VPS. Create 1, but for thousand people
Debian command lines are different from the tutorials
If you aren't familiar with linux, specifically Debian linux, pick CentOS. The instructions aren't written for Debian. After a couple of hours on Google trying to make it work, I deleted the instance and started over with CentOS. CentOS was up and running in half an hour.
The reason I chose Debian
Of YUM Redhat is weak. You are from those of the APT Debian's ease of use.
Debian is a LINUX very easy to use.
integration with VPC
Yes, it's useful but I got some problems with integrating into VPC and adding NIC to it. So, when you add a NIC in your console, you should modify /etc/network/interfaces to make it up at boot and assign Fixed IP address. I also liked it more if it had some basic tools like 'less' installed.
Be aware of a critical limitation!
As noted (by me, heh) on the Debian wiki for the Squeeze marketplace images:
Please note that a Marketplace image volume cannot be attached to another running instance (For example, to repair a broken /etc/fstab, or /etc/network/interfaces). This is a limitation of all Marketplace images, as described here: Official AWS documentation http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-AttachVolume.html
Looks fine but needed an instance-store backed image
Span up OK, looked like a nice clean Debian install, but unfortunately we needed an instance-backed store AMI image, so we had to go back to using the rightscale image...