Bitnami package for Parse Server
Bitnami by VMware | 7.4.0-0-r04 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
No Real Docs, Lot's of Guessing On Setup/Config
I'm a few days into trying to get this setup.
So far I feel like I've got the majority working, setup SSL cert with the included let's encrypt script and connecting over https is working fine.
The one thing I can NOT get to work no matter what I do or try is getting live queries working. The Parse log says it's started but when I try to run subscribe on a class using the client js sdk latest version I get a websocket connection to my domain using wss:// failed. Apache logs show a string of 403 errors each time the websocket tries to connect.
The few docs that are out there for this AMI are outdated and refer to a server.js file under /opt/bitnami/apps/parse but they've clearly changed the structure and how you set the config settings for Parse. They now use a config.json file which is fine but it would have been handy to have had some documentation somewhere explaining that initially.
Submitting a support request or asking for help in the bitnami community is pretty much a waste of time. The goto response there is almost always "it's a parse thing, go look at their docs" lol. Well it's not, it's a bitnami server stack issue and I'm fairly confident an issue with how the proxy in apache is configured but we'll never know I guess lol.
I'm going to beat my head against this wall until the end of the day I think, at that point I'm going to just delete the instance and start over using the beanstalk build and see if I can't get a little further with that.
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