VPN solution built with OpenVPN® Community Edition - powered by TurnKey
TurnKey GNU/Linux | 18.1Linux/Unix, Debian 12/Bookworm - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Works by fixing server.conf
After a fresh install, when you generate the client profile, you normally get timeouts. For this to fix, add the following lines in your server.conf file which is located as /etc/openvpn/server.conf,
The lines are,
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256
After adding these lines, restart the openvpn servive by using,
systemctl restart openvpn
Also, reboot the instance for any unknown changes to be applied.
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Works in 2022
This is not as easy as the official OpenVPN AMI but it is much easier than rolling an image your self.
The instructions at Github leave something to be desired, but if you're setting up a VPN into an AWS VPC you can use the instructions here https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-vtdzptnsownow?ref=cns_srchrow#pdp-overview to get it up and running.
Doesn't workk
The first step of instructions don't work as the server seems to be completely unreachable. Can't ssh into it using cert nominated in setup.
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