Terrible Documentation
This needs to be done better, the documentation is terrible and only a couple of things to reference, i do not recommend this image in its current state, these images are supposed to make our life easier to launch and mange Worpdress but it makes it harder because we have to chase down non existent documentation on how to get it going. Amazon you should be actively checking these as well.
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Doesn't work
Followed instructions but unfortunately the WordPress is not available once this is running.
Once the instance is running, enter the public IP provided by Amazon into your browser. Wait for the instance health checks to pass. You will then see the wordpress page -
### Wordpress page was not shown - only apache 2 ubuntu default page
You can access '/wp-admin' page and use 'admin' as username and 'instance-id' as password.
### /wp-admin results in 404 not found error
You can also access your instance via SSH using the username 'ubuntu' and your Amazon private key.
### key refused
For additional setup instructions please visit https://cloud.intuz.com/applications/wordpress/aws/how-to-use
### horribly designed website for finding any assistance on getting this non-working instance to work
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