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Kong | 2.1.3

Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux 2 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Reviews from AWS Marketplace

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External reviews

227 reviews
from G2

External reviews are not included in the AWS star rating for the product.

    Vivek J.

Futuristic API gateway - Kong

  • May 31, 2024
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Ease of deployment and free offering to create and test our services really helps anyone starting their APIM journey.
What do you dislike about the product?
Kong does not provide a debugger like other API management tools which can be a problem in some situations.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Kong helped in Migration from legacy APIM tools
Provides easy ad flexible deployment options

    Jacob M.

Best API gateway

  • May 31, 2024
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
What I like the most about Kong API gateway is its ease of custimizataton that it provides for the developers.Other than that time to time there are new kong versions released with new updates.
What do you dislike about the product?
There are some features that are only available for enterprise version of kong that should be provided to open source version also.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
In our organization we have to manage lots traffic and route it accordingly , for that kong comes handy other than that Kong also provides various security related plugins like CORS,Oauth2 , rate-limiting that are useful in product.

    João E.

Setting up OSS version of the Gatway manager

  • May 31, 2024
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I love using the Kong API Gateway because it allows us to make secure connections and allows us to protect the different applications we use against known bad actors attacks like DDoS. It also allow us to configure in a seamless way, different consumers to allows service consumption and usage of different access points accross out cloud services. Another great advantage is that the Kong API Gateway allow us to program different applicatins that make a lot of the parameters used in different plugins configurable on demand, which means that by simply using its REST API we can configure different profile and create consumers as any user wants to define it. All in all, the Kong gateway allow us to configure different users as consumers, it allow us to configure multiple different protocol sorts and payloads, it has a very complete way of doing rerouting and port forwarding, it makes it easy to redirect requests and it is also great that we can also make different API gateways configurable via Kong KONNECT.
What do you dislike about the product?
I am yet to find out something that I dislike about the Kong Gateway. It is a very robust gateway that never failed. Having sais that, if I am force to say something that still feels different when interpreting logs is the usage of LUA scripts, to which not many people have experience working with, but that on its own has never been an actual issue.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Is helping us to solve for the most part, security and rerouting issues. It also allows us to configure user profiles on demand via a custom application we have created.

    Krasimir V.

Kong API Gateway experience so far

  • May 31, 2024
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The way it works and how routing is easily managed by the api. I am using the Kong API Gateway as an Ingress and a stand-alone gateway in which both setups are easy to integrate either with helm, manifests, standalone or with etcd datastore. I am not using support but usually find most of the things I need in the docs or forums.

The kong API and Ingress is something that I use and trust every day.
What do you dislike about the product?
When I started using Kong API the documentation was pretty hard to understand, I think that it was reworked and now it's a bit easier to understand.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
HA Routing and security for micro-services.

    Tushar K.

Streamlining API Management with Kong

  • May 31, 2024
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
1. High Performance and Scalability
2. Extensibility with Plugins
3. Ease of Deployment and Management
4. Ease of Monitoring and Analytics:
What do you dislike about the product?
It need to have better performance for other laguages, it it has for luma
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Ease of Deployment and Management
API Gateway and Service Mesh

    Mahendra C.

api gateway service

  • May 31, 2024
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
very easy process with api gateway and endpoint protection solution also very easy to understand
What do you dislike about the product?
no need, any everything is good kong api
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Easily apply proven principles of DevOps and GitOps to bring applications online faster using Aws integrate

    Jitendra C.


  • May 31, 2024
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Kong API gateway is good and opensource tool and also it is very lightweight as compare to another API gateway. It is also easy to install and also support the multiple languages
What do you dislike about the product?
Nothing for dislike the kong API gateway
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Kong API gateway is opensource and it support multiple language. so we are to add multiple services along with security. Kong API gateway also easy to do configuration and installation to our system

    Vikash K.

Premium and trusted open source API gateway

  • May 15, 2024
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
It is a fast and flexible cloud native gateway that offers too many premium services. It has very strict policy about who can access the the data and services that are managed behind it. It's data security is good, only authorised users can access the data.
What do you dislike about the product?
It is very difficult to setup the implementation, if you are a new user,then you will face too many difficulty. It's customer support is supportive but can't solve your all issues.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
It is very premium and trusted open source API, It ensures our data security by allowing access to the only authorised users. It maintains high availability and good performance.

    Financial Services

Kong API GW is a popular for managing APIs. It's known for being fast,flexible and easy to set up.

  • April 19, 2024
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
-->High performance and scalability
-->Flexibility and ease of use
-->Extensibility with plugins
What do you dislike about the product?
Security configuration complexity
Management overhead for multiple Gateways
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Centralized API Security
Improved Visibility and Monitoring
Flexibility for Different Deployments

    Erwin B.

Your APIs deserve a Kong

  • March 01, 2024
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Stable, powerful, easy to configure, extensible, fast and quality customer support.
What do you dislike about the product?
Product development removes features we're using, like vitals (fine grained metrics), developer portal, insomnia free on-premise git sync.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
With Kong API Gateway we have a central place for internal and external systems to call a variety of exposed API's. Kong provides security (apikey / OAuth2), access control and the API catalogue.