Bitnami package for LAMP
Bitnami by VMware | 8.4.4-0-r05 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Failed to use it
Probably good for experts but very strange for a newbie.
Apache is not configured as usual (index.php is not recognized as default page). I failed to find documentation to create virtual servers (the final s is important) on a single instance. I was unable to import my aws instance in the Bitnami console.
I gave up after an hour, and went back to naked ubuntu with apache, mysql, etc ... manual install.
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Searching for MySQL Password
Alright guys, after reading, reading, reading and trying, trying, trying finally got mysql's password!
It's really hidden to me since I didnt know you have to look at the amazon logs and look for the application's password which is the same as the mysql password.
So the default user name is root and the password is in the amazon log.
1. Go to your amazon console and find your ec2 instance.
2. Right click on your instance to get the Instance Settings=>Get System Log
3. Scroll to the section that have this:
# #
# Setting Bitnami application password to 'Rqwr92Xsaf142' #
# #
That's how you get your root mysql password.
not the latest software and no option to use PHP as an apache module
not the latest software and no option to use PHP as an apache module. was looking for PHP 5.5+ but it installs PHP 5.3 and i saw there was a dev version with PHP 5.6
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