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140 reviews
from G2

External reviews are not included in the AWS star rating for the product.

    Marketing and Advertising

Customizable for unusual use cases; effective product and excellent support

  • August 15, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
We have a rather unusual use case: instead of needing bot protection on sites that we own, we needed to add bot protection to many different customer sites (that we have essentially no control over) with minimal UX impact. This condition meant we couldn't use many other bot detection and protection strategies, but the DataDome engineers worked closely with us throughout setup and we were able to get their product to work for us the way we were hoping. The protection has worked well and without issue, and conseuqently we're even looking into other ways DataDome can be incorporated into our product. The dashboard is easy to navigate and the false positive rate & CAPTCHAs passed metrics help us to know if and how our customers are being affected. Additionally, the pricing is reasonable and more affordable than many competitors.
What do you dislike about the product?
The only con that comes to mind about DataDome is that because of the way their client-side javascript works, sometimes unexpected code conflicts on our customers' sites or ad blockers used by the end user means the invisible bot detection is unable to work. However, the fact that DataDome shows a fallback CAPTCHA if they're unable to invisibly confirm that the end user is not a bot means that even in that edge case, we can be confident that the end user will still be able to access the desired content if they really are a human and that bots will be reliably filtered out.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
DataDome provides bot detection and mitigation for one of the features that we offer customers to put on their site. If it wasn't for the DataDome's bot protection and their ability to meet our unusual constraints, we wouldn't have been able to confidently release the feature without concerns of abuse (which would be a negative experience for our customers and also endanger our own systems).


Datadome: it does exactly what it says on the tin!

  • August 14, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
DataDome’s technical expertise and support are unparalleled. The team is passionate about what they do, and it translates into a fantastic working relationship. Plus, DataDome’s SDK is lightweight and adds zero latency.
What do you dislike about the product?
Can't say there is anything to report at this time.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Aggressive targeted attacks were threatening our app’s stability, driving up server costs and keeping our technical team focused on firefighting instead of development. Now, DataDome detects and blocks malicious requests before they reach our servers, which equates to massive cost savings because the time spent on this issue for our development team has been eliminated.

    Media Production

DataDome provides important protection against credential stuffing attacks.

  • August 14, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The solution works as expected. DataDome was flexible and willing to respect our internal company policies and processed during the contract negotiation. They are also quick to respond when we need help.
What do you dislike about the product?
There are cases in which the solution requires tweaking to stop new types of attacks. This is of course natural for those types of tools as attackers are learning and evolving their attack strategies.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
DataDome is helping us to prevent credential stuffing attacks by detecting the malicious activity on our login end points. It complements our other security controls in early detection of the malicious requests.

    Klaus S.

Were focused on customer success and solid platform for our needs

  • August 10, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
We were looking for a solution which allowed us to manage price scraping by competitors as well as flooding our lead funnel with fake leads. DataDome has solved both of these problems for us and is running without any manual touch or overhead for us. Bot Management is its core competency which it is doing well, while many other players added it as a add on to there full stack security platform - and aggresively sell you on their full stack security platform, which adds a lot of more cost, overhead and complexity. But really Bot Management wasn't their core competency.
What do you dislike about the product?
We had some integration challenges due to tech choices on our side, but DataDome has been very committed and egnaged in overcoming these challenges. They successfully integrated our two platforms.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Price scraping by competitors and fake fead stuffing of our lead funnel.

    Broadcast Media

Exceptional Website Security with DataDome

  • August 10, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
What attracts us most to the service offered by DataDome for thwarting automated programs is the all-encompassing protection they provide, and all without sacrificing the interaction with real users. They stand out due to their superior capabilities in recognizing unwanted software, along with instantaneous intelligence and tailor-made alternatives. They remain committed to a smooth merging process, unmatched client assistance, and straightforward cost structures. For those earnest about shielding their online presence from harmful automated entities
What do you dislike about the product?
Being able to add whitelisted ip ranges easier would be beneficial.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
The service provided by DataDome for shielding against automated systems is crucial in tackling the problems related to robots navigating our online space. Through its capability to detect these robots and monitor them instantaneously, DataDome enables us to keep a firm grasp on the various aspects of our site, including its content, efficiency, and protection.

    Vincent F.

A very good antibot solution

  • August 08, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Simplicity of the dashboard
The protection efficiency is very good
The technical support is quick
What do you dislike about the product?
The price is high
The low amount of informations on the dasboard
Can't extract the full data for forensic
The integration on mobile can be difficult
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
We are getting attacked every month and Datadome protect us from fraud

    Leisure, Travel & Tourism

DataDome Improves UX & Reduces Costs

  • August 02, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
From a technical point of view, we are very happy with the solution’s optimized protection for our mobile apps, as well as the user-friendly dashboard and its self-service functions. We are also deeply impressed by the team’s professionalism and responsiveness.
What do you dislike about the product?
Nothing to report at this time - everything works well!
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Our platform was experiencing web scraping and other automated attacks. Our former bot detection tool couldn’t keep up; the attackers were able to bypass it. After we switched to DataDome, our system performance stabilized and we found that UX improved, thanks to low latency and minimum false positives.

    Björn R.

Powerful tool with great UX & support

  • July 25, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Datadome is quickly setup, easy to learn and navigate from a users perspective and does a great job of detecting & keeping malicious traffic away from your application. On top their support team is very responsive and for us always helped to sort out issues (in the rare cases where we had some). To give you one example: At some point we made a change in our product that confused the ML models in Datadome and resulted in much more captchas shown to regular users. Back then tracking false-positive rates for captchas shown to our customers in Datadome was also a tedious excercise because it meant looking into Excel exports. Datadome worked with us on improving false-positive rates and later added better UI to track false-positive rates to make our lives easier.
What do you dislike about the product?
ML models are both amazing and sometimes pain, because they're very blackboxish. We had that experience at some point in the past, where the ML model changed behaviour and it wasn't really clear on our side why. In the end we managed to reconcile and even improve with the help of Datadome, but I think this is worth pointing out when you're start using an ML based model, there's a chance that this could happen to you as well.

Another very nitpicky thing that comes to mind: In some cases you might also not want to run all of your traffic through Datadome. If you need a flexible solution there that goes beyond URLs and regex, you need to run your own customized Datadome worker on Cloudflare. That you can do this is great, but I would have preferred that the Datadome integration works better with Cloudflare configuration rules for example.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
We mostly started using Datadome to keep malicious bots & scrapers away from our platform. It does a good job at this and the behaviour of Datadome is also fairly easy to observe both in Datadome itself, but also in other log systems (via custom headers that Datadome sends).

    Dmitriy K.

Great solution with great support

  • July 19, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
We started experiencing an elevated amount of bot traffic and recognized a needed for a new and better solution vs. what we had. Decided to try Datadome. It took us some time to integrate and get it right. The excellent Datadome support team was always there to help.
Once implemented, we immediately saw the difference. The solution works.
What do you dislike about the product?
The pricing model is not flexible where the traffic volume is bundled with features. This won't work for everyone. Getting a feature will require paying for extra traffic that you may never use.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Datadome reduced the amount of bot traffic protecting data, reducing system load and lowering bandwidth needs. It gives us additional protection and is fairly quick in learning and detecting bots.

    Chris L.

Stopped our carding attacks and more!

  • July 18, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Datadome has worked really well for us. We were getting hammered by credit card testing attacks as well as several other bot related malicious activities. Credit card attacks are expensive and a huge pain to deal with. We were trying everything we had at our disposal with no success.

After putting Datadome in place, the tool quickly learned what these bots behaviors looked like and brought their attempts to nearly 0.
What do you dislike about the product?
Datadome does encourage you to manage your own exception rules. It's not necessarily a bad thing, as I think the customer needs access to those settings, but if you don't have experience with IP's and whitelisting, it can be frustrating to get the rules setup correctly. Luckily, support has been pretty helpful if we send a reply that we would like them to setup the rule.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Datadome is killing out bots before they can effect our business. We have been fighting malicious actors for years, but our limited toolset is becoming less effective as bots get smarter. Datadome has brought us up to modern and tough security standards.