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External reviews

188 reviews
from G2

External reviews are not included in the AWS star rating for the product.

    Computer Software

Target Process is an excellent tool

  • March 22, 2017
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I really like Target Process user interface, the look and feel is minimalistic, neat, fun and yet professional. I also like the fact that you can get a visual glimpse of the status of a project by using color codes and also find out who's working on what by using the profile pics.
What do you dislike about the product?
There are some kinks that need to be improved. Very often I get an error message that goes away if I reload the page; also when you are trying to tag somebody on a comment, the editor doesn't recognize the person only until you erase the name and start over.

It would be useful for the releases to propagate to the defects, if QA team creates a defect for a User story and that user story has a release, I think it should automatically link the defect to that release.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Target Process has helped our team to have more control over deadlines and the development cycle; it has helped us to organize work more efficiently.

    Computer Software

Target Process is off target for me

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Story Splitting is pretty good. Visually it is OK
What do you dislike about the product?
Very difficult to get reports/exports out of a view. (Just trying to export a filtered view to CSV makes me export all of the backlog!). The Sprint views are not helpful for Scrum process where I'm trying to keep focus on one iteration. The view often have too many Sprints and isolating the view is too difficult and manually intense to maintain. The sharing of views is too static and does not refresh automatically... only the view as I had it is shared, if I update the view it does not adapt... I must delete that share and re-share. The administrator can set up views, and specific ways that make the cards appear (with additional details shown like estimates, tags, priority, etc)but these do not appear to the rest of the team in the same configuration, so those have to be set up individually. Ugh.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Team task management (Scrum/Kanban teams). Only realized some visibility, but it is very easy to get info lost and disjointed
Recommendations to others considering the product:
If you are small and kanban this will work. If you are larger with multiple products and teams it is very hard to manage with target process

    Computer Software

Simple. Lots to discover

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Online user guide with videos and online support
What do you dislike about the product?
Complex or unclear entity relationships
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Backlog work items and collaboration of details. Benefits rely on the teams and individuals using TP and the extent of information they want to get out of it.

    Hayley P.

A great way to organise your tasks

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Target process makes organising and planning work extremely easy and simple. With it's drag and drop functionality you can easily visualise work flows, see who is on what story and even work out statistics.
What do you dislike about the product?
Target process has quite a steep learning curve and there is still lots of functionality that the company I work for either doesn't use at all or uses but incorrectly. TP also has quite a lot of bugs but the support team has helped us many times when we have reported these.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
I work for a software company and we use TP to plan/organise/distribute tasks between all our employees, as the system is so vast not everyone uses it to it's full potential and this is when we start to run into problems.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Don't be scared off by it's vast functionality, once you get over the scary UI it can do so much for you and your business.

    Dejan B.

Target process is top product for project and product management with intuitive GUI

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I would suggest this tool to any company who is looking for not only ticket tracking but product and project management tool. It supports agile methodologies and has very good customisable GUI with plenty of variations that can help in every day project activities.

Target Process also has great blog that supports new users to faster learn and adopt to it. Also we at our companies use this blog to make i closer for our new employees to learn how to use TP and to understand the way TP organises entities (from Portfolios, Projects all the way to Task or Test Cases, Plans and Builds).

Their support also works well, they ask users to actively participate in polls and questionaries who would they want to improve the product.
What do you dislike about the product?
Some times in last few months, there are some issues with modal views, and it seems there are some bugs in the refresh pattern of modal views they use.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Target process helps, me my team and my company in multiple ways:
- Organising projects and teams
- Monitoring work progress and processes
- Supports agile practises and artefacts
- It supports transparency inside the team
- Improves internal communication, in a simple and catchy way
- Easy export and share of views of interest for external partners makes us agile and transparent matter of minutes rather than hours

    Broadcast Media

I find Target Process useful

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The thing I like best is how easy it is to set up views.
What do you dislike about the product?
Occasional inconsistencies or need to refresh boards. Can be slow.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Web development process management. Facilitates both Kanban and Scrum. Biggest benefit is transparency and documenting the development process.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Take some time to learn how to set up views and dashboards.

    Financial Services

TargetProcess on daily basis

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I have been in 3 developments environment now. I only used targetprocess in my last job (this one) and I can honestly say that the organization between teams is perfect thanks to target process. I know what I have to do, and what other people in my team is doing. But more important, is that it actually helps with the organization of the task ahead.
What do you dislike about the product?
There are a few options that I know the team leaders would like, like a better micromanagement of the teams, been able to assign the trash time better, but as far as i know the target process team is quite good with the feed back and they are happy.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
The organization of the work in the different teams is what I would remark.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Try it. I know that here helps, maybe could help you too

    Kory A.

review of target process

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
we can do everything using scrum metodologies like create story or bug ticket and also can create test case on there
What do you dislike about the product?
cannot export the testcase or testplan to be a report
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
easier to create test case/ test plan so developer can see what tester will do

    Information Technology and Services

Ideal Visual Project Management Software

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Visualization, easy to use, drag and drop, customization and extenstion, Agile and Scrum support.
What do you dislike about the product?
The internal seach function is a bit weak than other powerful features.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
We are solution provider on business wireless communication of VOIP and DECT. TP helps us to manage whole process of projects.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Targetprocess is ideal for companies ith 50 above IT employees who adopt or scale agile and in need of a visual project management solution.

    William C.

Nous devons programmer des travaux avec plusieurs corps de métiers

  • March 20, 2017
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Target Process permet de visualiser simplement le planning des différents intervenants sur un même projet.
La planification est plus simple et plus rapide.
Les modifications de planning sont très facile et la visualisation permet une lecture rapide.
C'est un outil qui fluidifie l'organisation de l'entreprise.
What do you dislike about the product?
Le renseignement des information prends de temps à prendre en compte lorsque l'on construit l'architecture des tâches.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Gain de temps, plus d'oubli de programmation, anticipation des interventions