Unsuccessful Deployment
When trying to deploy a single instance using cloud formation, the process gets hung up at the creation of "Neo4jAutoScalingGroup", then all resources are rolled back. The EC2 instance isn't created until the scaling group is created therefore there's no way to get this working without manual debugging and the investment of time and resources that Cloud Formation templates are meant to alleviate.
Hi , This issue has been resolved. Please try the latest version and let us know. Apologies for the inconvenience caused and the delayed response. Thanks, Harshit
comment this line # CreationPolicy: # ResourceSignal: # Count: !Ref NumberOfServers # Timeout: PT8M and it should work just fine
This issue was related to a bug which has since been resolved. Apologies for the inconvenience. We would encourage you to re-try the listing. Many thanks!
It looks like you encountered a bug which has since been resolved.