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Prisma Cloud helps immensely with automation

  • By Paul C.
  • on 12/26/2024

What do you like best about the product?
The abilty to loo at my terraform scripts is a huge benfit to using Prisma Cloud. It also helped with resolving ,ajor issues in my Cloufformation scripts. It has been worth every penny . It indentified vulnerabilities in our apps and helped us to resolve them. Its risk remediation is second to none. It an agentless workload so we do not need to install any cumbersome agents. It provided us on prem and cloud vulnerabilty detection and management which is huge. It also helped us to indentify and resolve account permissions issues in AWS. This is a great product.
What do you dislike about the product?
Its diffciult to learn every aspect of the product. It is feature rich so you really need to take one option at a time. A seperate team is really needed for this product. We dumped it on the security engineering team and they became overwhelmed wirth the workload. We had to diversify the various alerts to different teams.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
It great benefited our vulnerabilty assesment and management. We were able to indentify issues both on prem and in AWS. It indentified these issues and offered us a step by step way to resolve them. We were able to take thse notes and send them to the various teams responsible for the product that was vulnerable. We able to create jobs that will contunue to detect the latest vulnearabilities and send them off to the various teams. It also is very strong in indentifying API and web application vulnerabilities . The last product we had was very weak in this area so this is a huge plus for us.

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